An auto-plugin that launches Cassandra during integration tests. Note: The plugin does not work on WindowsOS
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-cassandra" % "1.0.4")
In build.sbt
, enable the plugin for desired project and specify the version of cassandra against which tests are to be run,
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings(Defaults.itSettings: _*)
.settings(cassandraVersion := "3.4")
cassandra now shuts down by default when tests are done. to disable this behavior, set:
stopCassandraAfterTests := false
cassandra will also clean it's data by default when it stops (after tests or when invoking stopCassandra
task explicitly). to disable this behavior, set:
cleanCassandraAfterStop := false
to use special configuration files suited for your use case, use:
cassandraConfigDir := "/path/to/your/conf/dir"
to intialize cassandra with your custom cql commands, use:
cassandraCqlInit := "/path/to/cassandra-cql/commands/file"
timeout for waiting on cassandra to start (default is 20 seconds) can be configured with property (in seconds):
cassandraStartDeadline := 10
the plugin downloads cassandra tar from Apache Cassandra Archives. A custom version can be used by configuring, the path to the tar file,
cassandraTgz := "resources/custom-cassandra.tgz"
to override cassandra configuration, e.g:
configMappings += "auto_snapshot" -> true
configMappings ++= Seq(
"rpc_server_type" -> "sync",
"data_file_directories" -> {
val list = new java.util.LinkedList[String]()
Note: the configMappings
key takes a sequence of (String,java.lang.Object)
, and should be compatible with actual value represented by the key in the yaml file.
The configMappings
setting should be used to change host, port and cqlPort. The keys for them are:
- host -
- port -
- cqlPort -
to pass java args to cassandra,
cassandraJavaArgs := Seq("-Xmx1G")