GIAP for iOS is a SDK to help your app communicate with Got It Analytics Platform
Add giap_ios as a submodule to your local git repo like so:
git submodule add
Inside your Podfile:
pod 'GIAP', :path => './giap_ios'
should point to the giap_ios submodule
Finally, run this command to make GIAP available inside your project:
pod install
Import the header file
#import <GIAP/GIAP.h>
Initialize the library
Use this method right after user has just signed up
[[GIAP sharedInstance] alias:@"INSERT THE USER ID"];
Use this method right after user has just logged in
[[GIAP sharedInstance] identify:@"INSERT THE USER ID"];
Use a string to represent the event name and a dictionary to represent the event properties. properties
can be nil
[[GIAP sharedInstance] track:@"Visit" properties:@{
@"economy_group": economyGroup
At any moment after initializing the lib, you can set custom properties for current tracking profile
[[GIAP sharedInstance] setProfileProperties:@{
@"full_name": name
Increase/Decrease a numeric property
[[GIAP sharedInstance] increaseProfileProperty:@"count" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];
Append new elements to a list property
[[GIAP sharedInstance] appendToProfileProperty:@"tags" values:[tags componentsSeparatedByString:@","]];
Remove elements from a list property
[[GIAP sharedInstance] removeFromProfileProperty:@"tags" values:[tags componentsSeparatedByString:@","]];
Use this method right after user has just logged out
[[GIAP sharedInstance] reset];
GIAP iOS SDK handles everything asynchronously. Your app can be notified about important tasks done by the SDK by using delegation.
Assign a delegate for the lib:
[GIAP sharedInstance].delegate = self;
Your class must conform the GIAPDelegate
@import GIAP;
@interface GIAPViewController: UIViewController <GIAPDelegate>
Implement the following methods for your class:
- (void)giap:(GIAP *)giap didResetWithDistinctId:(NSString *)distinctId
NSLog(@"GIAP didResetWithDistinctId:%@", distinctId);
- (void)giap:(GIAP *)giap didEmitEvents:(NSArray *)events withResponse:(NSDictionary *)response andError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"GIAP didEmitEvent:\n%@", events);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@", response);
- (void)giap:(GIAP *)giap didUpdateProfile:(NSString *)distinctId withProperties:(NSDictionary *)properties withResponse:(NSDictionary *)response andError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"GIAP didUpdateProfile:\n%@ withProperties:%@", distinctId, properties);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@", response);
- (void)giap:(GIAP *)giap didCreateAliasForUserId:(NSString *)userId withDistinctId:(NSString *)distinctId withResponse:(NSDictionary *)response andError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"GIAP didCreateAliasForUserId:\n%@ withDistinctId:%@", userId, distinctId);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@", response);
- (void)giap:(GIAP *)giap didIdentifyUserId:(NSString *)userId withCurrentDistinctId:(NSString *)distinctId withResponse:(NSDictionary *)response andError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"GIAP didIdentifyUserId:\n%@ withCurrentDistinctId:%@", userId, distinctId);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"%@", error);
} else {
NSLog(@"%@", response);