This is a simple Play 2 plugin, for NEO4J.
I got the ideas how to do it from THANKS A LOT @tomasmuller for giving me the ground ideas :)
What i didn't liked that i can't call neo4j in the static way, like Ebean etc...
So here we go, i created this plugin :)
- Play2.4 Support.
- Scala 2.11.6
- Embedded Database is NOT WORKING at the moment.
- Now using an own logger:
<logger name="neo4jplugin.Neo4jPlugin" level="DEBUG" />
You will need to add the following resolver in your build.sbt
resolvers += "" at ""
resolvers += "Neo4j Maven Repo" at ""
resolvers += "Spring milestones" at ""
Add a dependency on the following artifact:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.tuxBurner" %% "play-neo4jplugin" % "1.5.0"
Settings for the plugin go into the conf/application.conf
neo4j.serviceProviderClass="" # the provider class which holds the annotated neo4j beans
neo4j.basepackage="neo4j" # the base package where the entities are located
neo4j.mode="embedded" # mode to run embedded or remote
# activate module
play.modules.enabled += "neo4jplugin.Neo4jModule"
neo4j.embeddedDB="target/neo4j-db" # where to put the embedded database"http://localhost:7474/db/data"
All neo4j relevant stuff must go to app/neo4j/
All neo4j repositories go to app/neo4j/repositories/
You need a class which must extend from neo4jplugin.Neo4jServiceProvider
and must be configured in the application .conf
under the key neo4j.serviceProviderClass
public class Neo4jServiceProviderImpl extends Neo4jServiceProvider {
public NeoUserRepository neoUserRepository;
public static Neo4JServiceProvider get() {
return Neo4JPlugin.get();
To access your repository you can call: Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().neoUserRepository.<do magic neo4j stuff>
To access the neo4jtemplate you can call: Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().template.<do magic neo4j stuff>
There is also a @Neo4jTransactional
annotation which I addopted from the play jpa plugin.
Just annotate your Result with it and it runs in a neo4j Transaction.
Example Java:
public static Result doSomethingInTransaction(Long id) {
Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().neoUserRepository.<do magic neo4j stuff>
Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().neoUserRepository.<do magic neo4j stuff>
return ok("Woohhoh Neo4jTransaction");
For Scala i used the Actionbuilder pattern described at: This allows you to combine several actions.
Example Scala:
def index = Neo4jTransactionAction {
Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().neoUserRepository.<do magic neo4j stuff>
Neo4JServiceProviderImpl.get().neoUserRepository.<do magic neo4j stuff>
Ok("Woohhoh Neo4jTransaction")
Take a look into the examples
- Make the spring configuration configable with the play configuration so the neo4j stuff has not to be in the folder app/neoj do the same with the repositories.
- Application Context xml configuration.
1.4.4 Remote configuration neo4j.restDB.caching=true added. When set the SpringCypherRestGraphDatabase class is used instead of SpringRestGraphDatabase. Thx at @unterstein !
1.4.3 Version lifts: play 2.3.8, neo4j 2.1.7, spring-data-neo4j 3.3.0.RC1
1.4.2 Version lifts: play 2.3.6, neo4j 2.1.5, spring-data-neo4j 3.2.1.RELEASE
1.4.1 Version lifts: play 2.3.4, neo4j 2.1.4, spring-data-neo4j 3.2.0.RELEASE and spring-context 4.1.1.RELEASE
1.4 Version lifts: play 2.3.3, neo4j 2.1.3, spring-data-neo4j 3.1.2.RELEASE and spring-context 4.0.6.RELEASE
1.3.6 Version for play 2.3. Cause of Bug: your app must compile with scala: 2.10.4
1.3.5 Fixed Scala action transaction handling by implememnting an ActionBuilder. Example is in examples/playframework-neo4j-template/app/controllers/Application.scala.
1.3.4 Lifted to new Versions: spring-data-neo4j: 3.0.2.RELEASE, play 2.2.3, neo4j 2.0.3
1.3.3 Lifted to new Versions: spring-data-neo4j: 3.0.1.RELEASE, play 2.2.2 Cause of spring-projects/spring-data-neo4j#161 there is a new config option: neo4j.basepackage="neo4j" # the base package where the entities are located : when not set the plugin defaults to neo4j
1.3.2 Lifted to new Versions: neo4j: 2.0.1 spring: 4.0.1 spring-data-neo4j: 3.0.0.RC1
1.3.0 Lifted to neo4j-2.0.0-M06, spring-data-neo4j-3.0.0.M1 and spring-context-3.2.5.RELEASE ATTENTION SEE resolver for version 1.3.0 cause of the milestone you need an extra repo
1.2.1 Lifted to neo4j 1.9.5
1.2 Lifted to play 2.2.1 and spring-data-neo4j 2.3.2.RELEASE
1.1.1: Lifted to neo4j-1.9.3 and spring-data-neo4j 2.3.1-RELEASE
1.1.0: Added controller for transactional scala
1.0.7: RestConfiguration and added AuditingEventListener
1.0.2: New Spring-Data-2.2.2 Version Dep.