Scripts used to detect genomic deletions in woolly mammoth genomes (van der Valk et. al 2022, iScience)
These scripts were specifically written to analyse ancient mammoth genomes >10X coverage and are not tested on other datasets. Use with caution on your own genomic data.
Running requirements:
- Python3 (
- matplotlib (
- samtools (
- bwa (
- bedtools2 (
How to run:
The script first builds a reference mappability map. Next, regions where a set of outgroup genomes (e.g. asian elephants) have normal read coverage but a set of target genomes (e.g. woolly mammoths) do not show read support are identified. The output is a bedfile containing the deleted regions fixed in the target set, and plots of the average coverage around those regions. To run, a set of target and outgroup genomes has to be provided in a tab-separated file, with the 1st column depicting outgroup/target and the 2nd column the path to the indexed bam-file (see filepath_example.txt for an example file):
--contig name of the contig to be analysed (e.g. Chr1)
--reference path to fasta reference used for mapping (e.g. /home/reference.fa)
--samtools path to samtools command (e.g. /home/samtools/samtools)
--bwa path to bwa command (e.g. /home/bwa/bwa)
--bedtools path to bedtools command (e.g. /home/bedtools2/bedtools)
--scripts path to folder containing the python scripts (e.g. /home/aDNA-deletions/scripts)
--filepaths path to tab separated file containing sample information
The script analyses one chromosome/contig at a time. To speed up the analysis, one job per contig can be run simultaneously