.sh File | Installation | Config | $Shell |
package.sh | git, vim, curl, wget, make, typing_method: ibus, ibus-chewing, extra_packages: openssh-server, tmux, python3-pip | git editor, git config --global user.name & user.email, custom $HOME/.vimrc |
bash |
zsh_ohmyzsh_setup.sh | zsh, oh-my-zsh | bash |
ohmyzsh_config.sh | powerlevel10k, zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting | custom $HOME/.p10k.zsh , $SHELL profile |
zsh |
terminal_config.sh | custom gnome_terminal , $SHELL profile |
bash |
application.sh | VScode, Google Chrome, VLC, GIMP, kolourpaint4, OBS | bash |
language_package.sh | pyenv, pipenv, nvm | $SHELL profile |
bash |
custom_function.sh | nvm() : for seed up shell. pipenv_correspond() : find the correspond venvs & remove it. |
$SHELL profile , $HOME/.customfunction |
bash |
Every .sh file can independent work.
If you want to setup all the setting, run:
chmod +x ./all_setup.sh
This all_setup.sh need to execute two times, follow the step:
- Execute the script to complete package.sh and ZSH setup.
- Relogin.
- Execute the script to complete others .sh file.