For fisrt usage, you need to build image docker.
docker-compose build
docker network create nw_twint
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch
sleep 10
docker-compose up -d searchapp
docker-compose run twint -u noneprivacy -es elasticsearch:9200 --json -o /opt/twint/noneprivacy.json
open http://localhost:3000
Start to up elaticsearch and searchapp
docker network create nw_twint
docker-compose up -d elasticsearch searchapp twint
docker network create nw_twint
docker-compose run -v $PWD/output:/srv/twint twint {{CMD TWINT}}
A few simple examples to help you understand the basics:
docker-compose run twint -u username -es elasticsearch:9200
docker-compose run twint -s "#osint" -es elasticsearch:9200
docker-compose run twint -u username -es elasticsearch:9200 --json -o /opt/twint/username.json
USERNAME=username docker-compose run twint -u ${USERNAME} -es elasticsearch:9200 --json -o /opt/twint/${USERNAME}.json
if local install of twint
twint -u username -es localhost:9200
twint -u username -es localhost:9200 --json -o /opt/twint/username.json
- Allows to do faceted search
- Current build is developpment so you can do change and re-compile in real-time.
open http://localhost:3000
open http://localhost:9000
open http://localhost:9200/twinttweets/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*
open http://localhost:9200/twinttweets/_count?pretty
I have noticed when running the new 5.0+ version on a linux host you need to increase the memory map areas with the following command
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
More at
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- Embed video in tweets
- Tweet with images
- Tweet with location
- Filter re-tweets
- All the most crazy things possible