All chapters have now been preliminarily completed.
chapter | basic formatting | completed |
ch1 | yes | yes |
ch2 | yes | yes |
ch3 | yes | yes |
ch4 | yes | yes |
ch5 | yes | yes |
ch6 | yes | yes |
ch7 | yes | yes |
ch8 | yes | yes |
ch9 | yes | yes |
ch10 | yes | yes |
ch11 | yes | yes |
ch12 | yes | yes |
ch13 | yes | yes |
*this is italicized*
**this is bold**
fully indented blocks:
> My house is quite safe from earthquakes, since it is located
> far from any major fault lines.
partially indented blocks:
: An argument is *formally valid* if it is deductively valid because of its
logical form. That is to say, every argument with the logical form of the
argument under consideration is deductively valid.
premise conclusion list:
> | 1. <span class="premise"> Cottonmouths are water moccasins.</span>
> | 2. <span class="premise"> Water moccasins can be found only in Southeast Kansas.</span>
> | <span class="conclusion"> There are no cottonmouths outside of Southeast Kansas.</span>
tr: table row
th: table header
td: table data
<tr><th>symbol</th><th>what it is called</th><th>rough translation</th></tr>
<tr><td>[negation]</td><td>negation</td><td>'It is not the case that...'</td></tr>
logic symbols:
statements using logic symbols go between two $ like so:
eg. 'and', 'or', 'conditional', 'biconditional', 'not' (Carnap Book symbols):
$\land, \lor, \rightarrow, \leftrightarrow, \neg$
eg. 'and', 'conditional', 'biconditional', 'turnstile', 'double turnstile', 'negative double turnstile' (forall x UBC symbols):
$\&, \supset, \equiv, \vdash, \models, \not\models$
$A_2 \land A_3$
phi, psi, zeta (capital letters):
$\Phi, \Psi, Z$
script letters:
$\mathcal{P}, \mathcal{X}$,
empty set:
bot symbol (used to represent an absurdity):
blank underline: