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Cohort-middleware provides a set of web-services (endpoints) for:

  1. providing information about cohorts to which a user has authorized access (Atlas DB cohorts as defined in Fence/Arborist?)
  2. getting clinical attribute values for a given cohort (aka CONCEPT values in Atlas/OMOP jargon)
  3. providing patient-level clinical attribute values matrix for use in backend workflows, like GWAS workflows (e.g.

The cohorts and their clinical attribute values are retrieved from connected OHDSI/CMD/Atlas databases via SQL queries.

Table of Content

API Documentation

OpenAPI documentation available here.

YAML file for the OpenAPI documentation is found in the openapis folder.

Overview diagram

Overview of cohort-middleware and its connected systems:

Cohort-middleware and connected systems overview


Execute the following command to get help:

go run main.go -h

To just start with the default "development" settings:

go run main.go

Config file

See example config file in ./config/ folder.

DB schemas

The data which our code queries is currently assuming 2 separate databases. The "atlas" schema on one database, and the "results" and "cdm" schemas together on another DB. In practice, the databases could even be a mix from different vendors/engines (e.g. one a "sql server" and one a "postgres"). Therefore, the code does not have queries that do a direct join between tables in "atlas" and "results" or "atlas" and "cdm".

Below is an overview of the schemas and respective tables.

DB Instance1:

       SCHEMA atlas
TABLE atlas.source
TABLE atlas.source_daimon
TABLE atlas.cohort_definition

DB Instance2:

      SCHEMA results

      SCHEMA omop
TABLE omop.person
TABLE omop.observation
TABLE omop.concept
VIEW omop.observation_continuous

Setting up databases for local development

Setup the local Atlas DB by running the script in the ./tests folder:

cd tests/setup_local_db/

Test this setup by trying the following curl commands: JSON summary data endpoints:

curl http://localhost:8080/sources | python -m json.tool
curl "http://localhost:8080/cohortdefinition-stats/by-source-id/1/by-team-project?team-project=test" | python -m json.tool
curl http://localhost:8080/concept/by-source-id/1 | python -m json.tool
curl -d '{"ConceptIds":[2000000324,2000006885]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/concept/by-source-id/1 | python -m json.tool
curl -d '{"ConceptTypes":["Measurement","Person"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/concept/by-source-id/1/by-type | python -m json.tool

curl http://localhost:8080/concept-stats/by-source-id/1/by-cohort-definition-id/3/breakdown-by-concept-id/2000007027 | python3 -m json.tool

curl -d '{"variables": [{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000006885}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/concept-stats/by-source-id/1/by-cohort-definition-id/3/breakdown-by-concept-id/2000007027 | python3 -m json.tool

CSV data endpoints:

curl -d '{"variables":[{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000000324},{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000006885},{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000007027},{"variable_type": "custom_dichotomous", "cohort_ids": [1, 2]}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/cohort-data/by-source-id/1/by-cohort-definition-id/3

curl -d '{"variables":[{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000000324},{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000006885},{"variable_type": "concept", "concept_id": 2000007027},{"variable_type": "custom_dichotomous", "provided_name": "test123", "cohort_ids": [1, 99]}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/concept-stats/by-source-id/1/by-cohort-definition-id/3/breakdown-by-concept-id/2000007027/csv

Histogram endpoint:

curl -d '{"variables":[{"variable_type": "custom_dichotomous", "cohort_ids": [1, 4]}]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/histogram/by-source-id/1/by-cohort-definition-id/4/by-histogram-concept-id/2000006885

Deployment steps

Deployment to Gen3

For deployment in Gen3 simply use kube-setup-cohort-middleware script:

gen3 kube-setup-cohort-middleware

The script will use ohdsi database credentials and will result in cohort-middleware-g3auto Kubernetes secret.

If any changes need to be made to the settings, find the .yaml config file:

find ~ -type f -path '*/g3auto/cohort-middleware/*.yaml'

and remove that first before running the gen3 kube-setup command above.

Roll cohort-middleware

To roll cohort-middleware (in case of version update), full kube-setup-cohort-middleware is not required:

gen3 roll cohort-middleware

This will take care of all the secrets via g3auto.

Test the endpoints


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "$(cat auth.txt)" https://<server-url-here>/sources | python -m json.tool

Note that the <server-url-here> in these examples above needs to be replaced, and the ids used (by-source-id/2, by-cohort-definition-id/3) need to be replaced with real values from your environment. The main addition in these curl commands is the presence of https and the extra -H "$(cat auth.txt)". More explained in the subsections below.


Troubleshooting steps when using manifest.json based deployment:

How to make curl with Auth

Go to https:// and then to "Login"->"Profile"->"Create API key". Download the JSON to your local computer.

Run (e.g. if the downloaded JSON file is called credentials.json):

export SERVER_NAME=<your-server-name-here>
curl -d "$(cat credentials.json)" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://${SERVER_NAME}/user/credentials/api/access_token

Save the contents of token in a file, e.g. auth.txt. Then try for example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: bearer $(cat auth.txt)" https://${SERVER_NAME}/cohort-middleware/sources | python -m json.tool

How to see the logs

Find the pod(s):

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep cohort-middleware


kubectl get pods -l app=cohort-middleware

Then run:

kubectl logs <pod-name-here>


kubectl logs -f -l app=cohort-middleware

See also

In case of infra / network issues:

Get help from "PE team":

If networking changes are necessary:

If proxy changes are necessary:

Other config related to network policies:

Updating the Docker base image

To push a new generic dockerhub image to Quay (like a specific version of Golang), use something like this in slack:

@qa-bot run-jenkins-job gen3-self-service-push-dockerhub-img-to-quay jenkins {"SOURCE":"python:3.10-alpine","TARGET":""}

Or use the self-service page:

The result will be a new image pushed to that we can start using in our Dockerfile, like: