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Common Pass Idioms

Adam Izraelevitz edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 1 revision

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Adding statements

Suppose we want to write a pass that splits nested DoPrim expressions, thus transforming this:

circuit Top:
  module Top :
  input x: UInt<3>
  input y: UInt<3>
  input z: UInt<3>
  output o: UInt<3>
  o <= add(x, add(y, z))

into this:

circuit Top:
  module Top :
  input x: UInt<3>
  input y: UInt<3>
  input z: UInt<3>
  output o: UInt<3>
  node GEN_1 = add(y, z)
  o <= add(x, GEN_1)

We first need to traverse the AST to every Statement and Expression. Then, when we see a DoPrim, we need to add a new DefNode to the module's body and insert a reference to that DefNode in place of the DoPrim. The code below implements this (and preserves the Info token). Note that Namespace is a utility function located in (Namespace.scala)[].

object Splitter extends Pass {
  def name = "Splitter!"
  /** Run splitM on every module **/
  def run(c: Circuit): Circuit = c.copy(modules = c.modules map(splitM(_)))

  /** Run splitS on the body of every module **/
  def splitM(m: DefModule): DefModule = m map splitS(Namespace(m))

  /** Run splitE on all children Expressions.
    * If stmts contain extra statements, return a Block containing them and 
    *    the new statement; otherwise, return the new statement. */
  def splitS(namespace: Namespace)(s: Statement): Statement = {
    val block = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Statement]()
    s match {
      case s: HasInfo => 
        val newStmt = s map splitE(block, namespace,
        block.length match {
          case 0 => newStmt
          case _ => Block(block.toSeq :+ newStmt)
      case s => s map splitS(namespace)

  /** Run splitE on all children expressions.
    * If e is a DoPrim, add a new DefNode to block and return reference to
    * the DefNode; otherwise return e.*/
  def splitE(block: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Statement], namespace: Namespace, 
             info: Info)(e: Expression): Expression = e map splitE(block, namespace, info) match {
    case e: DoPrim =>
      val newName = namespace.newTemp
      block += DefNode(info, newName, e)
      Ref(newName, e.tpe)
    case _ => e

Deleting statements

Suppose we want to write a pass that inlined all DefNodes whose value is a literal, thus transforming this:

circuit Top:
  module Top :
  input x: UInt<3>
  output o: UInt<4>
  node y = UInt(1)
  o <= add(x, y)

into this:

circuit Top:
  module Top :
  input x: UInt<3>
  output y: UInt<4>
  o <= add(x, UInt(1))

We first need to traverse the AST to every Statement and Expression. Then, when we see a DefNode pointing to a Literal, we need to store it into a hashmap and return an EmptyStmt (thus deleting that DefNode). Then, whenever we see a reference to the deleted DefNode, we must insert the corresponding Literal.

object Inliner extends Pass {
  def name = "Inliner!"
  /** Run inlineM on every module **/
  def run(c: Circuit): Circuit = c.copy(modules = c.modules map(inlineM(_)))

  /** Run inlineS on the body of every module **/
  def inlineM(m: DefModule): DefModule = m map inlineS(mutable.HashMap[String, Expression]())

  /** Run inlineE on all children Expressions, and then run inlineS on children statements.
    * If statement is a DefNode containing a literal, update values and
    *   return EmptyStmt; otherwise return statement. */
  def inlineS(values: mutable.HashMap[String, Expression])(s: Statement): Statement =
    s map inlineE(values) map inlineS(values) match {
      case d: DefNode => d.value match {
        case l: Literal =>
          values( = l
        case _ => d
      case o => o 

  /** If e is a reference whose name is contained in values, 
    *   return values(; otherwise run inlineE on all 
    *   children expressions.*/
  def inlineE(values: mutable.HashMap[String, Expression])(e: Expression): Expression = e match {
    case e: Ref if values.contains( => values(
    case _ => e map inlineE(values)

Add a Primop

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Swap a statement

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