The cnf
command line tool allows users to prepare their
calvin-network-data for
running the HEC-PRM model or export as delimited matrix file.
The HEC-PRM code is distributed as a windows binary. Further, HEC-PRM uses DSS formatted files as input. We use the DSSVUE software to transfer data into and out of the DSS format. While, DSSVue is written in JAVA, precompiled libraries for this package only work in the Windows environment. For these two reasons, if you are running this software on MacOS or Linux, you will need to run a Windows emulator, like wine.
# pull down data (you may have already done this)
git clone
# install cnf cli via npm
npm install -g calvin-network-tools
# install and download of HEC-ROM library,
# Sets up .prmconf file in home directory. follow prompts.
# will be asked for full path to data repo pulled above
cnf library init
cnf [command] [arg]
Create a delimited matrix file to run 3rd party solver.
Entire network
cnf matrix --format=csv --ts=. --to=network --max-ub=1000000000
Sub-network with limited time range and defined nodes
cnf matrix --verbose --format=csv --start=2002-10 --stop=2003-01 --ts=. --fs=, --to=network --outnodes=nodes --max-ub=1000000000 SR_SHA D5
Export network with manually-defined data repository path. In this case calvin-network-data is located in /Users/msdogan/Documents/github/calvin-network-data/data folder
cnf matrix --data=/Users/msdogan/Documents/github/calvin-network-data/data --verbose --format=csv --ts=. --fs=, --to=network_full --max-ub=1000000000
Export network with manually-defined data repository path in debug mode
cnf matrix --data=/Users/msdogan/Documents/github/calvin-network-data/data --verbose --format=csv --start=2002-10 --stop=2003-01 --ts=. --fs=, --to=network --outnodes=nodes --max-ub=1000000000 --debug=All
cnf matrix --help
Run HEC-PRM related command
Write HOBBES Network Format CALVIN data to dss file. Requires the Calvin HEC Runtime (see releases section)
cnf hec-prm build --prefix out
Specify date range for TimeSeries data
cnf build --prefix partialRun --start 2000-01 --stop 2002-1
By default to files will be created in your current working directory. If you would like to specify the path to create the files, use the --output flag.
cnf hec-prm build --help
Run the hecprm.exe program with provided prefix files from the build command. Wine is required.
cnf hec-prm run --prefix [prefix]
cnf hec-prm run --help
Apply flow results from HEC-PRM run back to CALVIN data repository.
cnf hec-prm update-repo --prefix [prefix]
cnf hec-prm update-repo --help
Print a list of nodes as they are represented in the pri files. You can pass 'ALL' to print all nodes/links.
cnf hec-prm show ALL
cnf hec-prm show --help
Print the JSON that will be passed to the DssWriter. Optional flag --showData will print the csv file data as well. Otherwise just the path is printed.
cnf hec-prm debug show-build [node1] [node1] ...
cnf hec-prm debug show-build --help
Dump DSS file to directory. index.json file will contain all nodes by name. Each entry will then have a single json file representation in directory.
cnf hec-prm debug dss-to-json -f [path/to/dss/file]
cnf hec-prm debug dss-to-json --help
Run cnf maintenance related command
Initialize the .prmconf file. Downloads runtime if needed.
Init will ask for your full path to the data repo's /data folder (/path/to/repo/calvin-network-data/data). Then it will download the runtime and create a .prmconf file in your home dir containing the path to both the runtime and the data repo so these do not need to be supplied every time you run a command.
cnf library init
Update cnf and CALVIN HEC-PRM Runtime to latest versions.
cnf library update
Validate a CALVIN data is in HOBBES network format. Prints the errors and number of nodes, links and regions found.
cnf validate
cnf validate --help
Print list of all nodes/links given as [Prmname],[Repo Path]. Pass 'ALL' to print all nodes/links.
cnf list [node1] [node2] ...
cnf list --help
Using the Calvin Network App (repo here), you can download all tabular data for a node/link in a single excel file using the 'Download Excel Data File' button. ex:,lower-klamath,sr_cle.
Using this file you can make modifications to the underlying data for a node. Once you are ready to apply those modifications back to the data repo, you simply run this command passing the path to the excel file. You should be able to use git to make sure all changes were apply correctly to the data repo.
cnf apply-changes -x [path]
cnf apply-changes --help
All arguments for prm commands can be passed via command line parameter or stored in a JSON formatted .prmconf file. This file should be stored in your accounts home directory be default. If you wish to supply a config file that is not located in your home directory, you can do so with --config [path/to/config/file] parameter.
Again, the quick start command above will configure this file for you.
For your convenience and to reduce pain and suffering, we have created a package with all required libraries to run the cnf tool minus NodeJS (and wine). The package can be found here in the releases section.
Currently this runtime is REQUIRED to run the build command. You need to download and unzip the package. Then specify the path to the unzipped folder in build using the --runtime flag. Or you can simply run prm init and this will download and install the runtime as well as create a .prmconf file in your home folder.
- Java 32-Bit
- HecDss Java Library
- The required jars are bundled with HEC-DSSVUE
- jars are found in /path/to/install/dir/HEC/HEC-DSSVue/lib;
- DssWriter.jar
- Custom csv to paired/timeseries data DSS writer java code
- HecPrm Executable
To use the Calvin HEC Runtime, wine is required for Linux and OS X.
You will most likely want to review your DSS files from time to time. HEC-DSSVue is the most common software for that. The download section of the HEC-DSSVue includes a windows and a linux version available for download.
For linux, if you have root access, consider unzipping the hec-dssvue201 directory int /usr/local/lib
, and copying the file to /usr/local/bin/dssvue
, with the proper modification of PROG_ROOT
. This allows access to the program for all users. A few other minor tweaks seem to be required.
$ diff -u1 /usr/local/lib/hec-dssvue201/ /usr/local/bin/dssvue
--- /usr/local/lib/hec-dssvue201/ 2013-12-06 07:38:29.244310551 -0800
+++ /usr/local/bin/dssvue 2015-10-22 15:52:52.451576726 -0700
@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@
- if [[ "$1" =~ .*\.py ]]
+ if [[ "$1" =~ "*.py" ]]
@@ -36,3 +36,3 @@
# PROG_ROOT=/usr/local/hec/hec-dssvue
@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@
-DLOGFILE=$APPDATA/logs/hec-dssvue.log \
--Dpython.path=$PROG_ROOT/jar/sys/jythonlib.jar/lib:jar/sys/jythonUtils.jar \
+-Dpython.path=$PROG_ROOT/jar/sys/jython.jar/Lib \
-Dpython.home=$APPDATA/pythonHome \
@@ -56,5 +56,4 @@
--DPLUGINS=$PROG_ROOT/plugins \$PROG_ROOT/config/java.policy \
--cp $JARDIR/*:$JARDIRSYS/*:$JARDIRHELP/*:plugins/* \
+-cp $JARDIR/*:$JARDIRSYS/*:$JARDIRHELP/*:${PROG_ROOT}/plugins/* \
hec.dssgui.HecDssVue $* \