To get started clone this repository and the submodules, for git > 2.13 you can do:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
When developing the City Quest application, it might be easier to run all microservices directly (without docker).
You will need mongodb running locally at the default port.
In order to run all services run in the city quest project following:
npm start
Any of the services can also be manually started:
# frontend
cd frontend
npm start
# backend
cd backend
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local gradle bootRun
# image service
cd image-service
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local gradle bootRun
# ucll-recommendation-engine (make sure we're using java 1.8)
cd ucll-recommendation-engine
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8` gradle bootRun
This will start the services at next urls:
- Frontend http://localhost:3000
- Backend http://localhost:8080 (where looks for ucll-recommendation-engine)
- Image-service http://localhost:8081
- ucll-recommendation-engine http://localhost:8082
To check how it's running on the server you can use docker-compose up
This will start the services at next urls:
- Frontend http://localhost:8080
- Backend http://localhost:8080/cityquest/ (where looks for ucll-recommendation-engine)
- Image-service http://localhost:8080/imageservice
- ucll-recommendation-engine http://localhost:8080/recommendation/
- Consul http://localhost:8500/ui/
- Mongodb mvertes/alpine-mongo
- Registrator docs
- Traefik docs
CityQuest consists of 4 custom services:
- frontend (VueJS application that is served with nginx)
- backend (Spring boot API)
- image-service (Spring boot API to retreive an image url for a city)
- ucll-recommendation-engine (A generic recommendation engine)
- Building all services does not require anything but docker (custom Dockerfiles without jib, no java required to deploy!)
- We integrated an extra service that is linked using docker (image-service)
- Registrator will register all docker containers to consul by
. - There is a circuit breaker in backend and frontend.
- The application is runnable using a single command locally without docker and consul. (For faster development)
- The application is split in small repo's containing the micro-services, not a monolith.
- There's a root repository that contains all micro-services as submodules for easy checkout.
- Whenever a new push is made to the root repository it auto-deploys (Continuous Integration) the application to our personal server.
- All docker containers can be listed using a web interface with portainer.
- The whole application is accessable on a public registered (bought) domain name (
- Using Caddy server (let's encrypt included) the application automatically get's an SSL certificate.
11.05 minutes to build all images from stratch on 2,3GHz Intel Core i5, SSD (mainly due to gradle and npm dependencies)
1.386GB diskspace for building all 20 images (8 active when running, 954.4MB reclaimable)