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About The Plugin

This is a plugin that contains multiple custom gutenberg blocks.

Getting Started

The following will cover preqrequisites, development environment setup, basic block development and how to contribute.


  • First download, install and start Docker:
  • Make sure you have git install on your system.
  • Then head to this repo and follow the readme:
    • After following the instructions you will have a local dev environment with ldap installed. It will also clone and build both the UCSC theme and plugin. Finally it will start the dev watchers that build the code every time you save a file while developing. Since all the build steps are mainly in docker, the only requirement is that you have docker and git.

Development Environment Setup

  • Create a multisite local site with localwp

  • In order for PHP Intelephense to work in VS Code open it with in the public directory.

cd ~/Local\ Sites/kumar-demo/app/public/
code .
  • In vscode's terminal clone this repo into the plugin directory
cd wp-content/plugins/
git clone
  • Install and start wp-scripts
cd ucsc-gutenberg-blocks
npm install
npm run start

Basic Block Development

As a reference a commit to adding a demo block to this repo can be found here:

This commit show's how to create a Dynamic Block vs a Static block. There are many benefits to using Dynamic Blocks, here are some resources discussing the benefits:


  • Create a file in the classes/ to hold the PHP/Wordpress code.
    • Actions can be added
    • Blocks can be registered
    • Site and Network settings
  • Include the new file in the index.php file and instantiate the class
  • Create a js file in src/blocks/ directory
    • This file can import libs and components but is not a component itself
    • Create and export a function where you can register the block.
    • Make sure the name you are registering here matches the name you registered in PHP
  • In src/index.js import your function and call it so that the block gets registered.

How To Contribute

  • Create Feature branch git checkout -b "feature/site-level-admin-form"
  • Write code
  • Check git diff to see files that have been modified.
  • Git add the files you have modified or added: git add <filename> <filename> <filename> or use git add . if all the modified files need to be checked in
  • Commit with a good message git commit -m "feat: ✨ Updating README"
  • push code to github: git push origin feature/site-level-admin-form
  • In GitHub create a PR into the main branch