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add rotational inertial for kite (#100)
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dvanwolffelaar authored Jan 27, 2025
1 parent 104ae50 commit a8559a8
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Showing 3 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions src/KiteModels.jl
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Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ export init_sim!, reset_sim!, next_step!, init_pos_vel, init_pos, model!
export pos_kite, calc_height, calc_elevation, calc_azimuth, calc_heading, calc_course, calc_orient_quat # getters
export calc_azimuth_north, calc_azimuth_east
export winch_force, lift_drag, cl_cd, lift_over_drag, unstretched_length, tether_length, v_wind_kite # getters
export calculate_rotational_inertia!
export kite_ref_frame, orient_euler, spring_forces, upwind_dir, copy_model_settings, menu2
import LinearAlgebra: norm

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,6 +364,56 @@ function calc_course(s::AKM, neg_azimuth=false)
KiteUtils.calc_course(s.vel_kite, elevation, azimuth)

calculate_rotational_inertia!(s::AKM, include_kcu::Bool=true, around_kcu::Bool=false)
Calculate the rotational inertia (Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz) for a kite model from settings. Modifies the kitemodel by initialising the masses.
- X: x-coordinates of the point masses.
- Y: y-coordinates of the point masses.
- Z: z-coordinates of the point masses.
- M: masses of the point masses.
- `include_kcu`: Include the kcu in the rotational intertia calculation?
- `around_kcu`: Uses the kcu as the rotation point.
The tuple Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz where:
- Ixx: rotational inertia around the x-axis.
- Ixy: rotational inertia around the xy-plane.
- Ixz: rotational inertia around the xz-plane.
- Iyy: rotational inertia around the y-axis.
- Iyz: rotational inertia around the yz-plane.
- Izz: rotational inertia around the z-axis.
function calculate_rotational_inertia!(s::AKM, include_kcu::Bool=true, around_kcu::Bool=false)
points = KiteUtils.get_particles(s.set.height_k, s.set.h_bridle, s.set.width, s.set.m_k, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1], [10, 0, 0])

pos_matrix = [points[begin+1] points[begin+2] points[begin+3] points[begin+4] points[begin+5]]
X = pos_matrix[begin, :]
Y = pos_matrix[begin+1, :]
Z = pos_matrix[begin+2, :]

masses = init_masses!(s)
M = masses[s.set.segments+1:end]

if !include_kcu
X = X[begin+1:end]
Y = Y[begin+1:end]
Z = Z[begin+1:end]
M = M[begin+1:end]

if around_kcu
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = KiteUtils.calculate_rotational_inertia(X, Y, Z, M, false, points[begin+1])
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = KiteUtils.calculate_rotational_inertia(X, Y, Z, M)

Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz

# mutable struct SysState{P}
# "time since start of simulation in seconds"
# time::Float64
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ KiteUtils.set_data_path("")
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions test/test_inertia_calculation.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using KiteModels
using Test

set = deepcopy(load_settings("system.yaml"))


@testset verbose=true "test_rotational_inertia" begin
@testset "kite including KCU around CoM " begin
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = calculate_inertia_for_setting!(S, true, false)

@test isapprox(Ixx, 124.53, rtol=0.005)
@test isapprox(Ixy, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixz, -8.805, rtol=0.007)
@test isapprox(Iyy, 111.227, rtol=0.006)
@test isapprox(Iyz, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Izz, 19.516, rtol=0.001)

@testset "kite no KCU around CoM" begin
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = calculate_inertia_for_setting!(S, false, false)

@test isapprox(Ixx, 21.5607, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixy, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixz, 1.589, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyy, 7.2073, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyz, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Izz, 18.4558, rtol=0.001)

@testset "kite including KCU around KCU" begin
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = calculate_inertia_for_setting!(S, true, true)

@test isapprox(Ixx, 200.533, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixy, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixz, -16.478, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyy, 188.004, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyz, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Izz, 20.2907, rtol=0.001)

@testset "kite no KCU around KCU" begin
Ixx, Ixy, Ixz, Iyy, Iyz, Izz = calculate_inertia_for_setting!(S, false, true)

@test isapprox(Ixx, 200.533, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixy, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Ixz, -16.478, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyy, 188.004, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Iyz, 0, rtol=0.001)
@test isapprox(Izz, 20.2907, rtol=0.001)

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