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Utilities for simulating kite power systems.

This package is the foundation of Julia Kite Power Tools, which consist of the following packages:

What to install

If you want to run simulations and see the results in 3D, please install the meta package KiteSimulators . If you have already KiteSimulators installed, use using KiteSimulators instead of using KiteUtils. If you just want to learn how this package works quickly just install only this package.


If you have not yet installed Julia 1.10 or newer, follow these installation instructions. You can add KiteUtils from Julia's package manager, by typing

using Pkg
pkg"add KiteUtils"

at the Julia prompt. You can run the unit tests by typing:

pkg"test KiteUtils"

Creating a project and installing the examples

You can create a demo project by typing:

mkdir demo
cd demo
julia --project=.

and then, on the Julia prompt type:

using Pkg
pkg"add KiteUtils"

This creates the folders data and examples. You can view and modify the examples with a text editor of your choice, e.g. notepad++ if you are using Windows or gedit on Linux. You can execute them by typing:


and select one of the examples with the cursor keys and press enter.


  • functions for coordinate system transformations
  • functions for reading configuration files
  • the default configuration file settings.yaml
  • the default meta-configuration file system.yaml
  • functions for logging, reading and writing log files
  • types for the state of a kite power, logging and configuration parameters
  • a function for calculation the inertia matrix of a kite


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the below WAIVER in association with the license.


Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the package “KiteModels.jl” (models for airborne wind energy systems) written by the Author(s).

Prof.dr. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering


Documentation Stable Version Development Version

Author: Uwe Fechner (