Nonlinear optimization repository in Julia.
You must now the problem name to call a function with it's name. Install this package and use with
julia> Pkg.clone("")
julia> using OptProblems
Now obtain function definitions with
julia> f, g, H, x0 = OptProblems.rosenbrock()
julia> #OR
julia> f, g, H, x0 = getProblem("rosenbrock")
julia> #OR
julia> f, g, H, x0 = getProblem(:rosenbrock)
The string version is case insensitive.
To contribute a problem, create a file for it, then include the file on
The file and the function must have the same name.
Use a comprehensive naming, and if necessary, add an alias for it.
See for instance, Rosenbrock's problem. We chose to name the function
, but CUTEst users might try to call rosenbr
, which must
also be accepted.
All function names should be lowercase and use _
(underscore) to separate
words when necessary.
After that, send a pull request or e-mail the patch to
This repository will be used mostly as exercise for students, or as a quick test for algorithms. For a serious optimization repository in Julia, consider CUTEst.jl.
Licensed under the GNU GPL v3