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ufrisk edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

Memory Acquisition Method: Total Meltdown

The LeechCore library supports reading and writing memory from Windows 7 / 2008R2 systems vulnerable to CVE-2018-1038 "Total Meltdown"

Facts in short:

  • Is supported on 64-bit Windows 7 / 2008R2.
  • Acquires memory in read/write mode.
  • Acquired memory is assumed to be volatile.
  • Have additional requirements.

Connection string:

LeechCore API:

Please specify the acquisition device type in LC_CONFIG.szDevice when calling LcCreate. Example: totalmeltdown.

PCILeech / MemProcFS:

Please specify the device type in the -device option.


-device totalmeltdown


The target system must be a Windows 7 or Windows 2008R2 system vulnerable to the Total Meltdown vulnerability (CVE-2018-1038). This vulnerability was live between January 2018 to March 2018. Please see more information in the following blog entry.