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Regression Test Policy for Weather Model Platforms and Compilers

JONG KIM edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 35 revisions

The regression test policy for the UFS weather model follows the general principles outlined in the Regression Test Policy for UFS Platforms and Compilers and the specific principles outlined in the Regression Test Policy for Medium-Range Weather App Platforms and Compilers. The details for the UFS weather model are outlined below.

Tier-1 platforms

Platform Responsibility for tests Test coverage Status
NOAA WCOSS2 with default Intel 19 software stack EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
NOAA RDHPC Hera with default Intel 2022 software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
NOAA RDHPC Hera with GNU 9.1.0 software stack EPIC/EMC EPIC/EMC-PROD tests (rt_gnu.conf) Implemented
NOAA RDHPC Gaea with default Intel 2021 software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
NOAA RDHPC Jet with default Intel 2022 software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
MSU Orion with default Intel 2022 software stack EPIC/EMC EPIC/EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
NCAR CISL Cheyenne with Intel2022/SGI MPI software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt.conf) Implemented
NCAR CISL Cheyenne with GNU 10.1.0/SGI MPI software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt_gnu.conf) Implemented
AWS with docker container using GNU 9.3.0 software stack EPIC/EMC EMC-PROD tests (rt_gnu.conf) Implemented

Status of supported software library stack

Platforms WCOSS2 Hera Hera Gaea Jet Orion Cheyenne Cheyenne AWS
Compiler Intel 19 Intel 2022 GNU 9.1.0 Intel 2021 Intel 2022 Intel 2022 Intel 2022 GNU 10.1.0 GNU 9.3.0

Tier-2 platforms

Platform Responsibility for tests Test coverage Status
Linux platforms with GNU 9.1.0 compiler and MPICH 3.3.1 MPI library (cloud platforms?) TBD TBD Implemented
Linux platforms with Intel 19 compiler and MVAPICH2 2.3.2 MPI library (cloud platforms?) TBD TBD Implemented
macOS platforms with LLVM clang 9.x.y + GNU gfortran 9.m.n compiler and mpich 3.r.s MPI library TBD TBD Implemented
macOS platforms with GNU gcc+gfortran 9.x.y and mpich 3.r.s MPI library TBD TBD Implemented

Tier-3 platforms

  • Linux platforms with other combinations and/or other versions of the Intel or GNU compiler and MPI libraries than listed above.
  • NAG compiler.
  • clang/flang compiler: currently an open source development, the flang compiler is designed as a Fortran front-end for the LLVM clang compiler and may provide an interesting alternative in the future if/once matured (see this link for more information)
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