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code commit summary
Following code changes (#173) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Prepare for SRW App release:
- new regression test configurations for fv3_ccpp_rrfs_v1beta and fv3_ccpp_rrfs_v1beta_debug (required for SRW App release)
- added fv3_ccpp_rrfs_v1beta test to various rt*.conf files; note: not adding fv3_ccpp_rrfs_v1beta_debug because this test crashes on hera with both * *
- Intel and GNU (it runs on Cheyenne with Intel but not with GNU) - see issue #174
- moved the flake regression test in rt_gnu.conf from the DEBUG to the PROD section (this was a mistake not caught in the previous PR when flake was merged)
- remove all tests/Compile*.log log files
Due to the change in rt_gnu.conf, new baseline was created. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | c6b3566 | 5f5735e | 82a73dd | 209f1c9 | 8b59ebc | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#164) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Add flake model to ufs-weather-model
The changes have no impact on the regression test baseline, a flake test is added to regression test suit. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 15124ee | 9e5074e | 82a73dd | 209f1c9 | b108ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#167) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Add PR, Issues for bugfix and feature request templates.
- Adds standard templates for reporting bugfix and requesting features.
- Adds a pull request template.
The changes is not in source code, there is no impact on the regression test baseline.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 2833858 | f053db2 | 168932b | 209f1c9 | b108ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#162) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Allow multiple regtest ecflow suites to run on the same server
The changes is not in source code, there is no impact on the regression test baseline.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 4ba1b72f | f053db2 | 168932b | 209f1c9 | b108ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#154) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
add Toms dycore regional DA fix
Due to the code updates, the regional control test results are changed, there is no impact on all other regression test baseline. New baseline develop-2020713 was created, baseline passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 7dbecbe | da1230d | 01c2257 | b14e3e0 | b108ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#154) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
add Toms dycore regional DA fix
Due to the code updates, the regional control test results are changed, there is no impact on all other regression test baseline. New baseline develop-2020713 was created, regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 7dbecbe | da1230d | 01c2257 | b14e3e0 | b108ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#112) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Add regression tests with MULTI_GASES
A multi-bases test is added, there is no impact on all other regression test baseline. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | a7b9b6d | d94cec8 | 01c2257 | b14e3e0 | 2f116fd | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#156) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Update develop from gsd/develop 2020/06/30
- updates to GSL regression tests, add three tests to rt.conf, remove unnecessary regression test configuration files for GSL physics
- turn on AVX2 flags for wcoss_dell_p3
in fv3:
- output of auxiliary arrays (2d, 3d) from CCPP to assist developers debugging their physics
- correctly output 3-dim tendencies for t, u, v, qv, ozone from CCPP physics
- mandatory changes for the CCPP framework updates to handle blocked data structures correctly: fix inconsistent use of horizontal_dimension (ix) versus horizontal_loop_extent (im) and other metadata corrections
- remove old pset logic from ccpp_prebuild_config.py (was required for CCPP dynamic build)
- updates to all suite definition files: change the order of interstitial schemes get_phi_fv3+GFS_suite_interstitial_3 and GFS_DCNV_generic_pre to match the logical flow (does not change the answer)
- move CCPP physics initialization calls in atmos_model.F90 so that the physics can see the data from the restart files at initialization time
- add capability to read large-scale and small-scale orographic data when using GSL drag suite
- add additional fields to restart files as required for GSL physics updates
- new suite definition files for RAP and HRRR configurations
- capability to call radiation for the first nhfrad physics time steps for cold starts, afterwards on the cycle defined by the radiation time step
in ccpp-framework:
- handle blocked data structures in physics _init and _finalize routines
- correctly use horizontal_dimension versus horizontal_loop_extent
- remove old pset logic (was required for dynamic CCPP)
in ccpp-physics:
- fix 3d tendencies for t, u, v (ldiag3d) and q (qdiag3d)
- updates to all RAP/HRRR physics: MYNN PBL, MYNN SFC, GF CU, Thompson MP, physics-radiation interaction
- addition of GSL drag suite
- rearrange initialization of Thompson MP after the cleanup of the CCPP framework code (that can handle blocked data structures in the _init and _finalize routines)
- fix inconsistent use of im and ix to match the requirements of the existing physics and the CCPP for the different stages (_init, _run, _finalize)
Due to the code updates, new baseline develop-20200701 was created The A multi-bases test is added, there is no impact on all other regression test baseline. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | b0ee9ff | 16e36152 | 8a901686 | b14e3e0 | 3c72ea75 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#155) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Bugfix for regional runs when dycore is compiled in double precision
- Fix the MPI data type in halo exchange routine exch_uv in model/fv_regional_bc.F90
- adds one additional line to the initial printout, which is useful to make sure that all constants and tracers are set up correctly.
The changes have no impact on the regression test baseline. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | dba56e5 | 6c217fc | 571ff99 | d31bdb7 | 61a6c1d | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#151) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Jet build config update, Hera GNU support, FV3 dycore GNU bugfix
- Update modulefile for hera.gnu
- build.sh: bring in update from public release branch
- cmake/configure_jet.intel.cmake: bugfix for Jet to compile CCPP with multiple SIMD instructions
The changes have no impact on the regression test baseline. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 4edc6cf | ea71b79 | 571ff99 | d31bdb7 | 205cc7 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#144) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Merge GFS.v16.0.4 physics updates to develop branch:
- Fixing a solar radiation bug in RRTMg
- Tuning in samfdeepcnv.f to increase maximum cloud-base mass flux
- Updates in vertical mixing in satmedmfvdifq.f
- Revert z0 change in sfc_diff.f
Due to above code changes, the regression test results were changed. New baseline develop-20200611 was created. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 07f3e2b | 02ce4ad | 571ff99 | d31bdb7 | 3ff1ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#58) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- To update FV3 dynamic core to the GFDL 201912 released version, the namelist files in ~parm should be revised due to the namelist changes for nesting
- FMS is updated to GFDL 2020.02 tag
Due to the updates in FMS io, the header info of atmos_daily files written out by FMS io are changed. The regional_768 test is switched to use write grid component to write out history files. There is no change on other output files. New baseline develop-20200608 was created. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 9e3aedc | b4672ab | 693d001 | d31bdb7 | 3ff1ed2 | 19f3126 | d34bb9f | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#94) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Add a new regression test that uses the HWRF versions of saSAS deep and shallow convection
- Update how the sutils module is loaded on hera and jet
- Unit testing branch
- Butterfly effect branch (changes in GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere only)
Due to the changes in the ccpp-physics PR NCAR/ccpp-physics#423, the baseline results were changed for fv3_ccpp_regional_c768 and fv3_ccpp_stretched_nest. New baseline develop-20200603 was created. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 1150bf5 | def9be1 | 6a6dd2c | d31bdb7 | 66c8df2 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | cec5a08 | ca171b9 | 12a4dc6 |
Following code changes (#140, #139) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- tests/rt_gnu.conf: turn off IPD tests, no longer working on Cheyenne with GNU compiler (segmentation fault)
- update of jet modulefile and correction of cmake name from jet to jet.intel (to match gnumake)
- update stampede config, remove cheyenne.pgi config, bugfixes for Python3 on stampede
- check version of GNU compiler
- submit compile jobs with ecflow to batch system instead of running them on front end nodes
The changes does not have any impact on regression tests on any of the tier-1 supported platforms.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | a0c27d8 | 37eaf56 | e913eed | 7c3673d | 15c615f | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 19844f9 | ca171b9 | 4b57c7c |
Following code changes (#136) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Fix job card after Orion post maintenance on 20200526.
There is no impact on current regression test. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 82b56ace | 9868550c | e913eed | 7c3673d | 15c615f | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 19844f9 | ca171b9 | 4b57c7c |
Following code changes (#128) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- initializing ice fluxes by PBL calculated values when fluxes from CICE are unavailable for atm-ocn-ice coupling
- Add a separate array for internal ice temperature for fractional grid
The code changes have no impact on current regression test. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | b6fea66 | 9868550c | e913eed | 7c3673d | 15c615f | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 19844f9 | ca171b9 | 4b57c7c |
Following code changes (#113) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Bring hotfixes for ccpp-framework and ccpp-physics from release/public-v4 back to master, including:
- Move ccpp_prebuild from build scripts to CMakeLists.txt
- Add find_package(Python) to CMakeLists.txt
- Update to compile scripts and top-level CMakeLists.txt for not specifying suites for CCPP
- Update of regional tests to reflect changes in suite definition files
- Use cmake 3.16.1 on hera
- Require cmake 3.15 or later in top-level CMakeLists.txt
- Bugfix in tests/fv3_conf/ccpp_regional_run.IN
- Python 3 compatibility for tests/abort_dep_tasks.py
Due to the fix in ccpp_regional_run.IN, the baseline results were changed. New baseline develop-20200512 was created. Regression test passed on dell, cray, hera and orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | e661c03 | 6590d4bd | 66376d5 | 7c3673d | 15c615f | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 19844f9 | ca171b9 | 4b57c7c |
Following code changes (#113) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Bring hotfixes for ccpp-framework and ccpp-physics from release/public-v4 back to master, including:
- Update CCPP version number from 3 to 4
- gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_physics_driver.F90: update comment on location of code in CCPP
- Add no_nsst CCPP suites from public release
- Bugfixes for CCPP: check for and correct syntax of \htmlinclude lines
There is no impact on baseline results.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 237388e | 2418b18 | 91a0dd9 | 092c293 | 07991bb | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 82138ff | ca171b9 | 987f5a2 |
Following code changes (#119) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Bugfixes from public release
There is no impact on baseline results.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 95fcb7c01 | 63658ed6 | 25a72ec | 092c293 | f9d4483 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 82138ff | ca171b9 | 987f5a2 |
Following code changes (#117) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
-Remove all IPD and all REPRO tests from rt.conf
There is no impact on baseline results.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 8b0d9b77 | e8fd6ee | 25a72ec | 092c293 | f9d4483 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 82138ff | ca171b9 | 987f5a2 |
Following code changes (#96) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Updates to cellular automata stochastic physics.
- Updates to coupling to convection.
- Added possibility to run global and sub-grid CA
- Added a new CA regression test.
The changes have no impact on current regression tests, three new CA test results were added to current baseline (develop-20200424). RT passed on hera, cray, dell and Orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 6585dd5 | e8fd6ee | 25a72ec | 092c293 | f9d4483 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 82138ff | ca171b9 | 987f5a2 |
Following code changes (#108) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- add CHSP from GFSv16 package to gfsphysics and ccpp/physics
- add capability to output global_latlon to netcdf file, new RT tests are added
- add land surface model information to the history file, post lib is updated to 8.0.6
- Add CCN-IN followup bugfix in GFS_typedefs.F90
- Bugfix for Intel 18 on wcoss_cray, remove Intel 16 options for gaea
- CMEPS related changes in NEMS and FV3 including the coupled field name changes, time stamp in the dump files
Due to the changes in CHSP, new baselines were generated on all the supported platforms (develop-20200424). RT passed on hera, cray, dell and Orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | d202a02 | bc9aa3b | 4944892 | 092c293 | f9d4483 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | 82138ff | ca171b9 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#107) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Completely remove the dynamic CCPP from the ufs-weather-model and all its submodules.
The changes do not alter baseline results. RT passed on hera, cray, dell and Orion.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | ce9fefb | aac9ff9 | 20d7e9d | 092c293 | f9d4483 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | f773d9f | ca171b9 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#105) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
Port the ufs-weather-model to Orion.
Due to ww3 repository update, new baseline was created because of the ww3 result change. The regression test atmosphere history files generated on Orion are identical to those generated on hera. Regression passed on the results on orion, hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 8baa79d | f908c18 | c7c922f | 4b9cd89 | 38d1f33 | 19f3126 | 708b8d5 | c140905 | ca171b9 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#102) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- for macOS with LLVM clang, turn off OpenMP (from UFS public release)
- switch to Intel 18 on wcoss_cray
- new regression tests with RRTMGP using current control as basis
- required cmake version now 3.0, set project to avoid annoying cmake warnings
- update GNU compiler on Cheyenne to 9.1.0 (required for RRTMGP, which uses Fortran 2008 standards that are not supported in GNU 8.3.0)
- build system improvement: get CCPP kind and type definitions from CCPP framework
- adjust formatting in tests/rt.conf
- make definition of RTPWD on cheyenne consistent with hera
- support for SECC's S4 , including update submodule pointer for NEMS -> NCEPLIBS-pyprodutil
- update of submodule pointer for WW3 to NOAA-EMC/WW3@7ca6e5a (required for using Intel 18 on wcoss_cray)
Above changes altered some baseline results. New baseline develop-200413 was generated. Regression test passed on hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 3b16cad | 92a1b38 | c7c922f | 4b9cd89 | 38d1f33 | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 8e1f15c | ca171b9 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#83) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- add the options for IN/CCN activation: iccn=1 for climatological IN/CCN, and iccn=2 for MERRA2aersol (iccn=0 is for temperature dependence)
- add an option to enable RRTMg aerosol attenuation to be determined from prescribed MERRA2 climatology
- add aerosol optical depth outputs for total, dust, blackcarbon, organic carbon, sulfate, and sea salt
- add 3 aerosol regression tests.
Above changes altered some baseline results. New baseline develop-200323 was generated. Regression test passed on hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 7c3cdca | 9b5a420 | b5765fc | d32b965 | 80ce8ce | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 6a4254b | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#83) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Regional BC blending and BCs into GSI Above changes do not alter baseline. But the regional control test has the option write_restart_with_bcs turned on to write out the boundary conditions into restart files. Regression test passed on hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 7097078 | 7c3eade | efb68b5 | d32b965 | 80ce8ce | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 6a4254b | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#91) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- updates of the IPD and CCPP code to regain bit-for-bit identical results for coupled model runs.
No results change from the code changes. Regression test passed on hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | db103ca | 083dc6c | efb68b5 | d32b965 | 371a29a | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 6a4254b | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#84) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- ccpp-framework: bugfixes for handling optional arguments (no impact on current setup); bugfix for debug messages (no impact on current setup)
- ccpp-physics: GFSv16 physics updates; add moninedmf_hafs; scientific documentation for NoahMP and satmedmfvdifq; bugfix for threading (avoid dead lock) when calculating Thompson MP lookup tables; addition of radar reflectivity reset switch for Thompson MP; bugfix for non-aerosol Thompson runs; fractional landmask changes; CCPP version of RAS, updates to shoc and MG; bugfixes when levr < levs
- NEMS: selective merge of ufs-public release hotfix for OpenMPI
- fv3atm: fractional landmask changes; hera.gnu build target for old gmake CCPP build
- ufs-weather-model: hera.gnu build target with regression test config rt_gnu.conf (same as used on Cheyenne); the initial version uses the UFS public release v1.0.0 NCEPLIBS; re-enable IPD REPRO, CCPP REPRO, CCPP PROD regression tests on hera and dell; IPD REPRO and CCPP REPRO are bit-for-bit identical bugfixes for some CCPP regression tests (IAU dry mass fixer); addition of two-way coupled CCPP regression tests; removal of old IPD Thompson test, addition of several debug tests (Thompson non-aero and GSD suite) to cover more physics options in DEBUG mode; change logic in rt.sh that COMPILE or APPBUILD lines without a machine name are executed on all machines (similar to what is done for the RUN lines)
Due to these changes, new baseline (develop-20200317) was created on hera, cray and dell. Regression test passed on these platforms.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 44604a0 | 515a83f | 3d45390 | d32b965 | 371a29a | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 6a4254b | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#80) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- fix the issue with NaN values in the halo region of the dissipation estimate (used for SKEB) in the FV3-SAR application.(fv3 dycore issue #7
- fix omp bug in atmos_model.F90
No results change from the code changes. Regression test passed on hera, cray and dell.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 0a88706 | fc9a4c2 | e7909b4 | e772109 | 371a29a | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 044400a | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#72) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Minor changes in RAS, MG3, SHOC and new suite definition files under ccpp/suites that can be used to run RAS, MG3, SHOC.
- Updates to the physics driver (both IPD and CCPP) for wave coupling to the atmosphere
- New capability to read and use lake fraction in the orography data to identify lakes and ocean if the data is presented.
- A two way coupled fv3-ww3 test added to regression test suite.
Due to these changes, new baseline (develop-20200227) was created on hera, cray and dell. Regression test passed on these platforms.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | efd63fb0 | 38a495ee | e7909b4 | e772109 | db3acfb | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 044400a | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
Following code changes (#56) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Dry mass fixer for IAU (fv3atm issue #59). The fv3_iau test is updated to use this option.
- Update coupled field names in fv3 (fv3atm issue #54).
- Update WW3 to the latest revision with OpenMp b4b. (WW3 pull request #160).
- Add openmp default(none) to inline post interface post_gfs.F90, post lib is updated to 8.0.5.
- Change FV3-WW3 C768 test to use 4 threads.
Due to changes in fv3_iau test, new baseline (develop-20200210) was created on hera, cray and dell. Regression test passed on these platforms.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 47c7f9b | 8683a69 | 01ed01f | e772109 | db3acfb | db2c794 | 708b8d5 | 044400a | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
baseline: develop-20200210
Implementation branch production/GFS.v16 and code freeze tag GFS.v16.0.0 were created (see revisions above).
Following code changes (#43) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- parallel netcdf writes (fv3atm issue #23). HDF5 1.10.6 and netcdf 4.7.4 were installed on hera and dell. ESMF 8.0.0 was reinstalled on these platform. Currently no change is made on cray on HDF5, NetCDF and ESMF library.
- inline post does not reproduce with threads (fv3atm issue #49)
Due to the new netcdf library, the global attributes of the hdf and netcdf version information in netcdf files in current baseline were changed, the actual results do not change in this commit. New baseline develop-20200202 was created on hera/dell. Regression test passed on hera, dell and cray.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 31821b0 | b7a44c5 | 01ed01f | e772109 | a56907a | f6ebf95 | 708b8d5 | 8248a78 | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
baseline: develop-20200202
Following code changes (#36) were committed to ufs-weather-model and its submodules.
- Optimize netcdf write component(fv3atm issue #18)
- Reducing background vertical diffusivities in the inversion layers (fv3atm issue #35)
- Bug fix in gfsphysics/physics/moninedmf_hafs.f (fv3atm issue #24)
- fix the real(8) lat/lon in netcdf file (fv3atm #issue #37)
- The coupled field ice fraction passed to FV3 has been truncated to values with range 0-1.0. (fv3atm issue #38)
- Bug fix in inline post and deep convection scheme samfdeepcnv.f (uninitialized value).
- Rncrease the ice falling speed to reduce high clouds Change ice falling to 0.9 in gfs physics gfdl_cloud_microphys.F90
- Remove cache_size due to lower netcdf version (4.5.1) on WCOSS Dell
- CCPP physics: synchronize GFSv16 updates in issue fv3atm #35
- CCPP framework: Fix travis build/testing by setting STATIC option correctly for standalone build and adding the missing new configuration option DEFAULT_BUILD_DIR to the standalone build CCPP prebuild config.
Due to the code changes, new baseline develop-20200115 were created on tie-1 supported platforms, regression test passed on these platforms.
Repository | ufs-weather-model | fv3atm | ccpp physics | ccpp framework | fv3 dycore | ww3 | fms | nems | prod_util | stochastic physics |
revision number | 52795b8 | 7ffe647 | 01ed01f | e772109 | a56907a | f6ebf95 | 708b8d5 | 8248a78 | 1c96952 | 1745422 |
baseline: develop-20200115
- Commit Queue
- WCOSS2/Acorn Library Install Status
- News
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- Running regression tests
- Regression Test Policy for Weather Model Platforms and Compilers
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spack-stack - builds prerequisite software stack for the UFS WM, including NCEPLIBS and NCEPLIBS-external
- NCEPLIBS - builds bundled library dependencies
- NCEPLIBS-external - builds external library dependencies