A collection of scripts for organizing, converting and manipulating image sequences. This has been written to solve my personal workflow needs but I will gladly accept issues and pull requests. As of 2021 it is being actively developed and is still riddled with issues. Good Luck!
bracket - Organize images in folders by either splitting or merging folders of images shot as brackets in camera. This moves the actual files it does not create new ones.
renumber - Renumber image sequences.
rename_uniq - Rename individual files so they have a prefix matching the enclosing folder.
test_image - Takes one or more folders of images and tests each image using ffmpeg's identify. Reports bad images to stdout.
unmix - Given a folder sort images by extension and place each extension into its own folder.
check_images - Test images in every input folder using ffmpeg's 'identify'.
img2vid - Combine image frames to create a video.
raw2dng - Convert raw format images to dng format.
vid2img - Convert a video to an image sequence.
align_image_stack_sequence - Wrapper for align_image_stack that allows it to be run against a folder of bracketed images.
deflicker - Adjust brightness of images to reduce flickering.
enfuse_batch - Combine multiple images together to create new ones. Either for hdr images or just to make overlays.
recombine - Recombine a list of directories to be combined and renumbered.
tracer Vector based tracing of frames.
The tests are scant and do not provide anywhere near coverage.
python -m unittest discover -s .