- Website is made responsive and funcitonal for mobile users also. So users on any device can get access to our website.
- There is a countdown on the landing page which show the number of days left for the fest.
- Each User has his own Profile page where he/she can see which events have they registered
- Users can # themselves and view all the events with their required details.
- Each event has its own dedicated page and Registration and Revoke link.
- Users can log out of the website and hence terminate their session from the browser.
- There is a Dedicated Contact Form for all users which can be used by the public for asking their queries and providing new ideas to our team.
- Register : To register the user
- Login : To # the user
- Dashboard : To take all the information about the user
- Event : To get information about the registered events
- Register : To register the user to an event.
- Revoke : To revoke the user from an event.
User Authentication
- We added Password Validation for users to enter strong passwords.
- Passwords are not stored as plain-texts they are hashed and salted then stored in the database.
- We enabled compression middleware to compress response bodies for all request that traverse through the middleware.
- JavaScript
- Email.js
- Prism.js
- FontAwesome
- Ionicons
- SweetAlerts2
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Nodemon
- Bcrypt
- Axios
- Express-Validator
- JsonWebToken
- jsdom
- pg
- Dotenv
- Cheerio
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the repository
- git clone
- Open the folder in which you cloned the repository.
- Open all the files in your code editor
- Open index.html to go to the landing page of the website.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone the repository
- git clone
- Open the folder in which you cloned the repository.
- Run this command to install all the packages (npm install)
- Create a new .env file to store required enviorment variables.
- Create your own secret key to hash and salt passwords and store it in SECRET_KEY in your .env file.
- Create your own PostgresSQL Database locally or on ElephantSQL.
- Once hosted add the hosted URL in DB_URL in your .env file.
- Now on your terminal run this command to start your server (npm run)
- Himanshu Gautam (2021IMT-044)
- Ujjwal Jain (2021IMT-105)