Welcome! I'm UltraGeoPro
, a backend developer, data analyst, web developer (HTML/CSS, i know just beginnings, sorry).
I work on Mac OS Sequoia, utilizing 13-inch MacBook Air & 14-inch MacBook Pro.
I also use my old ASUS laptop as a server, where I’ve set up YunoHost & NextCloud.
- 💻 UltraGeoVPN: My personal VPN service, providing fast and secure internet access. ultrageovpn.ru
- 💻 A large number of projects on my github
- 💻 My contribution to team projects
- 💻 Article about time series
I'm a member of the @chftm team, where we develop various open-source projects and participate in competitions.
I recommend taking a look at MEPHI-DustFinder
- Email: dev@ultrageopro.ru
- Telegram: @UltraGeoDev