The most stable, Simplest, No maintaining Time, No Python Server Host, Easiest, No Python, Telegram Gmail Bot (Google Script Version)
Document仲未搞掂 (finish)
Document in progress (finish)
TL;DR: Call gmail API and connect telegram bot
(5/6/2022): updated split function. It could fix the Telegram max 4096 character problems.
Author 作者:
風信子(Hyacinthus orientalis -- HO): Telegram
UMZR: Github
Any Question Please Post on Github Issue
點解會放上網? 因為我前嗰排(2022)搵唔到 intern。迫不得已求其搵啲project 掉上去Github,希望有人收留我。
Why I push this things to Github? Cos I need Intern Job, So I some project on Github.
Thus, I always watch US stock market. So HO and I created this bot to save some time not to watch the US stock market. Well, you know, all market are bullish when you wake up.
例如:我哋可以喺gmail收到 TradingView alert
For example, we can receive tradeview alert from gmail
The bot will send message to Telegram automatically.
goto @BotFather create new bot
1.1 you will recerive the API key for the connect the google scriptDone! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at <link> You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you've finished creating your cool bot, ping our Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this. Use this token to access the HTTP API: `HTTP API` Keep your token secure and store it safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot. For a description of the Bot API, see this page:
you will recerve the
(just example) -
Open Google Script and plate my code
Youtube Video Tutorial -
Find your group Chat ID by using @ShowJsonBot (something kind of this I haven't test on this)
Plate your group chat ID to my code
and HTTP API toTelegramBotToken
Change the search variable
var threads ='is:unread subject:{<Target Title>}');
(line 34)
Andif (message[0].getSubject() == "<Target Title>")
(line 43) -
Set the
Simple Triggers
for each second. -
Deploy your App
Enjoy your Bot
- goto @BotFather create new bot
- copy my script to google script.
- plate
to my script - set Webhook<
>/setWebhook?url=<Current web app URL:
> - set timmer to Triggers the google web app
- finish
Q: 點解樓主英文咁差?
Q: Why the author's English grammar is poor?A: 我讀緊香港中文大學 👍
A: I am studing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 👍 -
Q: 點解仲係睇唔明?
Q: Why is still unreadable?A: Code 就搞掂咗嘅,我 RUN 咗成年,de 唔 deploy 到睇緣份
A: Translate Server Error (I need some time to do the document. ) -
Q: 請說中文,我看不懂你說什麼?
Q: Please speak Chinese, I don't understand what you are writting.A: ......
A: Read English. -
Q: 同樣係中文字,點解用唔到google翻譯?
Q: Why Google translate output some shit?A: 係囉,咁奇怪。
A: This is Cantonese 廣東話 -
Q: 點解樓主咁得閒整呢啲嘢?
Q: Why Author made this Bot?A: 沒有offer 的 31 天
A: no intern offer 31 days -
Q: How to support me for this project?
A: buy me some coffee:
(BTC native segwit)bc1qyjzc4slfzm5fwlacezqypkkaa04p3fe8j8wxgd
Telegram BOT IFTTT TradingView Alert Alarm
Remember to buy ______, catch up when you rise, ditch when you fall, and buy in when you export grain
Stop loss department is redundant, call back sister department special price
Just making money is superfluous, and the heights are not high
The volatility of Niechun is big, and the loss of leverage is too much to twist. It is not easy to understand that if there is a crisis, the Yankees will be troubled. The American emperor is nervous about you. Believing in yourself is worse than believing in the American financial hegemony.