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Bittensor Telegram DCA Bot

Interactive DCA script which uses a telegram frontend to pass commands.

Getting Started

  1. Make a Telegram bot:

    • Visit @BotFather on Telegram
    • Send /newbot and follow the prompts to create your bot
    • Save the API token that BotFather gives you - this will be your telegram_token in config.yaml
    • Add your bot to a private Telegram channel/group with just you.
    • Send a test message to your bot
    • Visit<your_token>/getUpdates to get your chat_id.
    • Copy the "id" field from the JSON response - this will be your telegram_chat_id in config.yaml
    • Disable privacy mode by sending /setprivacy to BotFather and selecting your bot
    • Send another test message to verify everything is working
  2. Fill in config:

    Create a config.yaml file in the project root. Below is an example configuration:

        wallet: "<your wallet name>"
        stake_amount: 0.01        # Base TAO amount to stake per block.
        validator: "5F4tQyWrhfGVcNhoqeiNsR6KjD4wMZ2kfhLj4oHYuyHbZAc3" # OTF
        exclude_list: [..]     # Subnets to always exclude (never buy)
        base_alpha: 0.0003         # EMA smoothing factor.
        preferences:               # Preference multipliers per subnet.
            "4": 1.5
            "9": 2.0 # (2 here means this subnet gets a score multiple of 2x when choosing the best subnet to DCA into.
        telegram_token: "YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN"  # ( see step 1.)
        telegram_chat_id: "-123456789"    # Your Telegram channel/group chat ID ( see step 1.)
        telegram_update_interval: 10      # Send periodic updates every 10 blocks.


    • The preferences keys must be strings.
    • Update telegram_token and telegram_chat_id with your actual Telegram bot token and channel/group ID.
  3. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd DynamicBot
  4. Install Dependencies:

    Use pip to install required packages:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install PM2:

    For Ubuntu/Debian:

    apt update
    apt install -y nodejs npm
    npm install -g pm2

    For MacOS:

    # Install Homebrew if not already installed
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    # Install Node.js and npm
    brew install node
    # Install PM2 globally
    npm install -g pm2
  6. Run

    Run the bot.

    export WALLET_PASSWORD='<YOUR WALLET PASSWORD HERE>'; pm2 delete autobot; pm2 start --interpreter python3 --name autobot --cron-restart="0 * * * *"; pm2 logs autobot
  7. Use Telegram to interact

Interact with the bot using Telegram. Below are the supported commands:

  • /pause
    Description: Stops the bot staking into subnets. Response: Confirms the bot has been paused.

  • /start
    Description: Starts the bot staking into subnets Response: Confirms the bot has been started.

  • /info <netuid>
    Description: Returns information about the specified subnet, including:

    • Current price.
    • Your current stake.
    • Current preference multiplier.
    • Current block number.
  • /boost <netuid>
    Description: Increases the preference multiplier for the specified subnet by 0.1.
    Response: New preference value.

  • /slash <netuid>
    Description: Decreases the preference multiplier for the specified subnet by 0.1 (minimum 0.1).
    Response: New preference value.

  • /exclude <netuid>
    Description: Adds the specified subnet to the exclude list (i.e., the bot will not stake in this subnet).
    Response: Confirmation message.

  • /unstake <netuid> <amount>
    Description: Sells (unstakes) the specified amount of TAO from the given subnet.
    Response: Confirmation of the unstake action.

  • /stake <netuid> <amount>
    Description: Buys (stakes) the specified amount of TAO into the given subnet.
    Response: Confirmation of the stake action.

  • /amount <value>
    Description: Sets the base stake amount used per block to the specified value.
    Response: New stake amount.

  • /balance
    Description: Returns a summary of your current portfolio, including:

    • Wallet balance.
    • Current block.
    • Staked amounts per subnet.
  • /history
    Description: Returns a detailed history summary since the last /history command. The summary includes:

    • Time elapsed and number of blocks since the last history snapshot.
    • Total amount staked during this period.
    • The difference in total stake.
    • PNL (difference between the previous and current combined wallet + stake value).
    • A per‑subnet breakdown of the increase in stake. Response: A formatted message with all the details.


  • Telegram Updates Not Received:

    • Ensure that your Telegram bot is added to your group or channel and that privacy mode is disabled if necessary.
    • Verify that your telegram_token and telegram_chat_id are correct.
  • Wallet Connection Issues:

    • Check that the WALLET_PASSWORD environment variable is set.
    • Verify the wallet name and file permissions.
  • Bittensor Connectivity:

    • Confirm that the endpoint in your configuration is correct and that you have a stable network connection.



MIT License


Dynamic Telegram Trading Bot






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