A replacement for CoreData, or Realm. It is very easy to use and is a light version.
- macOS 12 or later
- iOS 13 or later
- Linux with some settings of SQLite
We use MagicData to manage all the magic objects, which means MagicData can add, update, or delete the objects. All the MagicDatas are in the same actor thread. In this way, we keep the thread safe.
Here are some ways to create MagicData.
let magic = try await MagicData() // This will create a database at the app's document path
let magic = try await MagicData(path: URL(fileURLWithPath: "").path) // This will create a database at your custom path
let magic = try await MagicData(type: .temporary) // This will create a auto-delete database
let magic = try await MagicData(type: .memory) // This will create a database in the memory
MagicObject is like the meaning of the table in SQLite, but it is more powerful. MagicObject should be a struct. But if you want to sync the non-magical value in the instance, you can choose the class
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var id: String
@MagicValue var name: String
@MagicValue var age: Int
@OptionMagicValue var school: Data?
@OptionMagicValue var petName: String?
@OptionMagicValue var hight: Double?
var customString: String {
"My ID: \(id), name: \(name)"
init() {}
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
All MagicObjects require the line init().
If you want to use the primary value to query the data or update the data, you need to set the @PrimaryMagicValue
. Each PrimaryMagicValue has a distinct default value.
MagicValue has the ability to save all Magical values, which is not an option. just for the init() {}
line. As you see, you can create an object without setting the value, but if you access the value, a crash will happen.
OptionMagicValue like the MagicValue, but it can store the option value. It has a defualt value nil
Although TestModel
is a sturct but if you copy it, and change it, the value will change in the original instance too.
let test = TestModel(name: "hi")
let test2 = test
test2.name = "hello"
print(test.name) // Hello
And also, if you just want to change the value of MagicValue
, you don't need to set the struct
as var
If you gain a new instance from the database and change a value that you have had with the same primary value, the data will not sync between them.
let test = TestModel(name: "hi")
let id = test.id
let test2 = magic.object(of: TestModel.self).where { $0.id == id }
test2.name = "hello"
print(test.name) // "hi"
conforms to the Codable
. However, you can never decode a MagicObject
. MagicObject
will be encoded to an int value that represents the object's zIndex.
Magicals are kinds of values that can be stored in the database.
Now we support theses:
will be stored asText
in the database.UUID
will be stored asText
in the database.Int
will be stored asInt
in the database.Double
will be stored asReal
in the database.Float
will be stored asReal
in the database.Data
will be stored asBlob
in the database.Codable
will be stored asBlob
in the database.Arrary
will be stored asBlob
in the database.Dictionary
will be stored asBlob
in the database.Set
will be stored asBlob
in the database.
First of all, we cannot store Codable
, but it can be stored as MagicalCodable
. MagicalCodable
is a variant of Codable
struct Job: MagicalCodable {
let title: String
let salary: Int
@OptionMagicValue var job: Job?
We only support the Arrary
or Dictionary
which conforms to the Codable
Some value can be used in the @PrimaryMagicValue
- String has a defualt UUID String value.
- UUID has a default UUID value.
- Int has auto increase ability.
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var asset: MagicAsset<String>
init() {
asset = .init()
conforms to Magical
too. But it only store a path in the database. It is used to save large files, the files will be saved in the local file system instead of database. The MagicAsset
's element need to conform the MagicAssetConvert
. Here are the list:
- String
- Data
- MagicalCodable
- Array where Element: Codable
- Set where Element: Codable
- Dictionay where Key: Codable, Value: Codable
allows you don't get the value during the query, so you can get it later. It is very helpful when you save MagicObject
or MagicAsset
. Because it can delay the time you get the object, and speed up the time of querying.
- MagicAsset
- Array where Element: MagicObject
- MagicalSet
- MagicObject
- Dictionay where Key: Codable, Value: MagicObject
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var asset: AsyncMagical<MagicAsset<String>>
init() {}
init(_ object: Sub) {
asset = .init(value: object)
- Get Value:
try await instanceCopy.asset.get()
- Set Value:
instance.asset.set(.init(value: "Hello"))
- Array where Element: MagicObject
- MagicalSet
- Dictionay where Key: Codable, Value: MagicObject
for try await item in try instanceCopy.array.createAsyncStream() {
- Array where Element: MagicObject
- MagicalSet
- Dictionay where Key: Codable, Value: MagicObject
try await instance.array.randomValue()?.uuid
instance.array.randomValue(in: 1..<2)?.int // Onlt support when Index == Int
try await magic.update(object)
If object already exits in the database or the object has a copy in the set, the set will not add the object, but will update the object.
try await magic.remove(test1)
try await magic.removeAll(of: TestModel.self)
try await magic.object(of: TestModel.self)
This will give back all the values.
try await magic.object(of: TestModel.self, primary: AnyPrimaryValue)
This will throw an error if the primary value isn't in the database.
try await magic.has(of: TestModel.self, primary: instance1.uuid)
Requirement: MagicalObject has a primary value
MagicData support relationship like core data.
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var sub: Sub
init() {}
init(_ sub: Sub) {
self.sub = sub
struct Sub: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var text: String
init() {}
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
You could use @OptionMagicValue
as well. This kind of relationship is a little different from coredata's. because it isn't a lazy value. That means, it will fetch the sub
in the database, when you fetch the TestModel
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var set: MagicalSet<Sub>
init() {
set = .init([])
struct Sub: MagicObject {
@MagicValue var text: String
init() {}
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
just like a default set, but it only can store MagicObject
Although MagicalSet
is a Collection
, but I strongly suggest you that you shouldn't use it.
It only supports single arrary, which means it doesn't support something like [[MagicObject]]
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var arrary: [Sub]
init() {
arrary = .init([])
struct Sub: MagicObject {
@MagicValue var text: String
init() {}
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
It only supports single dictionaries, which means it doesn't support something like [Int: [String: MagicObject]]
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var dict: [String: Sub]
init() {
dict = [:]
struct Sub: MagicObject {
@MagicValue var text: String
init() {}
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID
@MagicValue var set: MagicalSet<Sub>
init() {
set = .init([])
struct Sub: MagicObject {
@MagicValue var text: String
@ReverseMagicValue(\TestModel.$set) var father: AsyncReverseMagicSet<TestModel>
init() {}
init(_ text: String) {
self.text = text
You cannot set the value of @ReverseMagicValue
. And the AsyncReverseMagicSet
is an AsyncSequence
is not a normal set. It can only promise you that it will save a set in the database and get a set from the database. But in the runtime, it can be a non-set value.
If the object has been saved, and the set doesn't contain the value that has the same zIndex
, the value will be insterted.
If the object hasn't been insterted, the value will always be insterted.
Only remove the saved object that has the same zIndex
instanceCopy1.set.removeAll(where perform: (Element) -> Bool)
You can decide which object will be removed.
Every time you fetch the object, we will remove the item that has the same zIndex
. But we can not promise it in the runtime.
ZIndex is MagicalData
's own primary key. It will automatically be added to your table. We use this key to judge whether the two objects are equal, or whether the object is in the database.
ZIndex is nil
when the object hasn't saved.
You cannot get the ZIndex through the MagicalData
, but maybe we will make it public in the future.