A giter8 template for Unfiltered applications with Scalate, Jetty.
g8 unfiltered/unfiltered-scalate
The instructions below refer to the default Scalate interface created in this template project.
Integrating Scalate templates into your Unfiltered app is dead simple with the Unfiltered Scalate Module. Here is a quick and dirty example.
import unfiltered.request._
import unfiltered.response._
import unfiltered.jetty._
object Server{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val binding = SocketPortBinding(host = "localhost", port = 8080)
val server = unfiltered.jetty.Server.portBinding(binding).plan(unfiltered.filter.Planify {
case req => Ok ~> Scalate(req, "hello.ssp")
and the template looks like, and must be placed in src/main/resources/templates:
<%@ var name: String = "Deron Williams" %>
<%@ var city: String = "Salt Lake City" %>
<h1>Hello, ${name} from ${city}</h1>
To replace the name and city variables with your own, you pass tuples of (String, Any) in the Scalate object
Scalate(req, "hello.ssp", ("name", "Dustin"), ("city", "Paris"))
Next you probably want to serve static assets, like images, css, and javascript files. To do that, using Jetty as an example, you need to setup a context, and the code would look something like:
object Server{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val binding = SocketPortBinding(host = "localhost", port = 8080)
val server = unfiltered.jetty.Server.portBinding(binding)
server.context("/public"){ ctx =>
ctx.resources(new java.net.URL("file:///Users/molecule/development/scalate_demo/src/main/resources/public"))
}.plan(unfiltered.filter.Planify {
case req => Ok ~> Scalate(req, "hello.ssp")
now you can reference static assets from your template like /public/main.css or /public/images/logo.png
...and that's about it!
If you wish to move your templates somewhere else, or you want to configure the org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine for production use, you can create your own TemplateEngine and pass it to the secondary parameters set manually:
import unfiltered.response._
import unfiltered.jetty._
import org.fusesource.scalate.TemplateEngine
object Server{
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val templateDirs = List(new java.io.File("/my/own/template/dirs"))
val scalateMode = "production"
val engine = new TemplateEngine(templateDirs, scalateMode)
val binding = SocketPortBinding(host = "localhost", port = 8080)
val server = unfiltered.jetty.Server.portBinding(binding)
server.context("/public"){ ctx =>
ctx.resources(new java.net.URL("file:///Users/molecule/development/scalate_demo/src/main/resources/public"))
}.plan(unfiltered.filter.Planify {
case req => Ok ~> Scalate(req, "hello.ssp")(engine)
or the TemplateEngine can be implicit:
implicit val engine = new TemplateEngine(templateDirs, scalateMode)
val binding = SocketPortBinding(host = "localhost", port = 8080)
val server = unfiltered.jetty.Server.portBinding(binding)
server.context("/public"){ ctx =>
ctx.resources(new java.net.URL("file:///Users/molecule/development/scalate_demo/src/main/resources/public"))
}.plan(unfiltered.filter.Planify {
case req => Ok ~> Scalate(req, "hello.ssp")