Git bash with node & npm
open git bash in a directy you want Ifunny-scraper downloaded
git clone
Chage Directory
cd ifunny-scraper
Install Library
npm i
node index.js "USER_NAME"
git clone ; cd ifunny-scraper ; npm i ; node index.js "IudexFundyr"
(using "IudexFundyr" as an example)
useing the run command but add commas for adding users Ex:
node index.js username1,username2,etc
if you get a 404 ifunny thinks it is a dos attack and blocks you use a vpn to bypass.
to use on gltich go to click new project then import for github, copy this git repository and past it in the given box, once imorted and opens a new window click the button on the bottom left "tools" then terminal. Then you follow the instructions abuve skipping the git clone and cd ifunny-scraper, once it is done download tpy in refresh to view the media created.
impruvments: need to add gif and video support need to add size constriction support