This is backend for the Shelf App - a self-hosted file storage.
Create a new virtual environment:
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements/base.txt requirements/dev.txt requirements/lint.txt requirements/test.txt
Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
Run services:
docker-compose up -d
Apply migration:
python migrate schema.esdl
Start the worker:
arq app.worker.main.WorkerSettings
Start the application:
uvicorn app.api.main:app --host --port 8000
Starting from version 2.0 EdgeDB has native builds for arm64 arch. The easiest way to run EdgeDB is to install it locally following the official docs.
Unfortunately running edgedb locally doesn't allow to configure port and
certificates, so you have to set DATABASE_DSN
environment variable to run test:
DATABASE__DSN=edgedb://edgedb:root@localhost:10700/edgedb pytest
To run a uvicorn you have to unset DATABASE__DSN
environment variables.
This project relies on pip-tools to manage requirements. To add a new one update one of the *.in files in requirements directory, and then run:
pip-compile requirements/{updated_file}.in
To sync with your env:
pip-sync requirements/base.txt [requirements/test.txt] ...
Before running tests, make sure EdgeDB instance is up and running. Test runner will create a new database and drop it after.
Normally, a docker image is built in CI whenever there is a new tag.
To build a docker image locally:
docker build . -t shelf_back:0.1.0 --build-arg app_version=0.1.0
Optionally, you can provide two environment variables to autocreate a superuser on the first image run:
- a superuser usernameSHELF_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD
- a superuser password
Name | Required | Default | Description |
APP_NAME | - | Shelf | Application name |
APP_DEBUG | - | False | Whether to run app in debug mode |
APP_VERSION | - | dev | Application version. Normally, this env is set during build |
AUTH__ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL | - | 15m | A time-to-live of the access token. |
AUTH__SECRET_KEY | + | - | Application secret key. This is used to provide cryptographic signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value |
AUTH__SERVICE_TOKEN | - | None | A service token that is used to authorize external services in internal API. |
AUTH__REFRESH_TOKEN_TTL | - | 3d | A time-to-live of the refresh token. |
CACHE__BACKEND_DSN | - | mem:// | Cache backend DSN. See options here |
CACHE__DISK_CACHE_MAX_SIZE | - | - | Client cache size limit in bytes. Can be set in a format like "512MB", "1GB" |
CORS__ALLOWED_ORIGINS | - | [] | A comma-separated list of origins that should be permitted to make cross-origin requests |
DATABASE__DSN | - | - | Database DSN. If not set, then fallback to EdgeDB envs |
DATABASE__EDGEDB_TLS_CA_FILE | - | - | Path to TLS Certificate file to connect to the database. If not set, then fallback to EDGEDB_TLS_CA |
DATABASE__EDGEDB_TLS_SECURITY | - | - | Set the TLS security mode |
FEATURES__MAX_FILE_SIZE_TO_THUMBNAIL | - | 20MB | Thumbnails won't be generated for files larger than specified size. |
FEATURES__MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS | - | 89_478_485 | Don't process images if the number of pixels in an image is over limit. |
FEATURES__PHOTOS_LIBRARY_PATH | - | Photos/Library | All media files within that path will appear in the Photos. |
FEATURES__PRE_GENERATED_THUMBNAIL_SIZES | - | [72, 768, 2880] | Thumbnail sizes that are automatically generated on file upload. |
FEATURES__SIGN_UP_DISABLED | - | False | Whether # is disabled or not |
FEATURES__SHARED_LINKS_DISABLED | - | False | Whether via link disabled. Note, this setting doesn't affect superusers. |
FEATURES__UPLOAD_FILE_MAX | - | 100MB | Maximum upload file size. Default to 100 MB |
FEATURES__VERIFICATION_REQUIRED | - | False | Whether user account has to be verified to upload files. |
INDEXER__URL | - | None | A URL to the Indexer service. If not specified, the file won't be indexed. |
INDEXER__TIMEOUT | - | 10 | A timeout to wait response from indexer. |
MAIL__TYPE | - | smtp | Backend to use for sending emails. |
MAIL__SENDER | - | | Email sender on behalf of application. |
MAIL__SMTP_HOSTNAME | - | localhost | SMTP hostname. |
MAIL__SMTP_PORT | - | 1025 | SMTP port. |
MAIL__SMTP_USERNAME | - | None | SMTP username. |
MAIL__SMTP_PASSWORD | - | None | SMTP password. |
MAIL__SMTP_USE_TLS | - | false | Whether to use TLS connection to SMTP server. |
SENTRY__DSN | - | None | Sentry DSN |
SENTRY__ENV | - | None | Sentry environment |
STORAGE__TYPE | - | filesystem | A primary storage type. Either filesystem or s3 options are available |
STORAGE__QUOTA | - | None | Default storage quota per account in bytes. If not set, then account has unlimited storage. Can be set in a format like "512MB", "1GB" |
STORAGE__FS_LOCATION | - | ./data | FileSystem Storage location. Path should be provided without trailing slash |
STORAGE__S3_LOCATION | + | - | S3 location |
STORAGE__S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID | - | - | S3 access key id. Required only if s3 storage type is used |
STORAGE__S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | - | - | S3 secret access key. Required only if s3 storage type is used |
STORAGE__S3_BUCKET_NAME | - | shelf | S3 bucket to use to store files. Required only if s3 storage type is used |
STORAGE__S3_REGION_NAME | - | - | S3 region. Required only if s3 storage type is used |
WORKER__BROKER_DSN | + | - | Worker broker DSN |