This is a Full Stack template with specs, dev cards, and client code. It contains a mock login/# screen, top-level tab routing (once logged in), etc.
You must run the server (and use it through the server) for login to work, but ANY username/password are accepted. The server always approves login.
It is set up to be deployable to Heroku (or anywhere) as a standalone jar.
├── Makefile Convenience targets
├── Procfile Sample Heroku deployment file
├── dev
│ ├── client
│ │ └── cljs
│ │ └── user.cljs REPL helpers and entry point for cljs dev mode
│ └── server
│ └── user.clj REPL functions for starting server and cljs builds
├── package.json NODE config, used for running CI cljs tests
├── project.clj
├── resources
│ └── public
│ ├── cards.html Devcards HTML page
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── edn.css CSS files for rendering specs in browser
│ │ └── test.css
│ ├── index-dev.html Dev mode application home page
│ ├── index.html Production mode application home page
│ └── test.html Tests HTML page
├── script
│ └── figwheel.clj CLJ script for starting figwheel automatically
├── specs
│ ├── client
│ │ └── untangled_template
│ │ ├── all_tests.cljs CI file for running all tests
│ │ ├── sample_spec.cljs Sample CLJS specification
│ │ ├── spec_main.cljs File to join all specs into a browser-runnable spec
│ │ ├── tests_to_run.cljs Common file (for CI and Browser) to ensure all tests are loaded
│ │ └── ui
│ │ └── root_spec.cljs Sample Specification
│ ├── config
│ └── server
│ └── sample
│ └── sample_spec.clj Sample Server-side specification
├── src
│ ├── cards
│ │ └── untangled_template
│ │ ├── cards.cljs Devcards setup
│ │ └── intro.cljs Sample Devcard
│ ├── client
│ │ └── untangled_template
│ │ ├── core.cljs Definition of app. Used by production and dev modes
│ │ ├── main.cljs Production entry point for cljs app
│ │ ├── state
│ │ │ └── mutations.cljs A place to put Om mutations
│ │ └── ui
│ │ ├── components.cljs Sample UI component
│ │ ├── login.cljs UI Login screen. Includes some mutations.
│ │ ├── main.cljs UI Main screen
│ │ ├── new_user.cljs UI New User Screen
│ │ └── root.cljs Root UI with Union query for tab switching. Includes nav mutations.
│ └── server
│ ├── config Server EDN configuration files
│ │ ├── defaults.edn Always applied (but always used as a base for config merge)
│ │ ├── dev.edn Dev-mode config (auto-selected by user.clj setup)
│ │ └── prod.edn Production-mode config. Selected via -Dconfig=config/prod.edn
│ └── untangled_template
│ ├── api
│ │ ├── mutations.clj Server-side Om mutations
│ │ └── read.clj Server-side Om queries
│ ├── core.clj Server-side entry point for production mode
│ └── system.clj Server-side system configuration (shared for dev and production)
Add a figwheel config:
Add a server config:
Then run both from IntelliJ.
See the Makefile for useful command-line targets, which are useful for when working from a lower-level system editor.
The simplest approach is to start a REPL:
lein repl
You will need two REPLs: one for the server, and one for you dev builds of the client.
There is a pre-supplied function named start-figwheel
that will start the cljs builds and figwheel hot code push.
In the server REPL, start the server with:
To reload the server code:
IF your compile fails, Recompile after failed compile:
If you cannot find refresh
, try:
Open a browser on:
Open a browser on:
Open a browser on:
The project is set up to be able to run both the UI and Server tests from a standard *NIX command-line (untested with Windows, but works with OSX and Linux).
The UI tests use node, karma, and doo to accomplish tests.
The Makefile has targets for running the various CI tests modes. You must install Node and NPM. In OSX, Home Brew can make quick work of that.
There is a GNU Makefile
in the project that can start various command
line interactions. This file is commented so you can see what targets
are valid.
Example: Run a REPL that is ready to run the Untangled Server:
make server
Build the standalone Jar with:
lein uberjar
will build target/untangled_template.jar
The production prod.edn
file (in src/config) grabs the web PORT from
the environment (as required by Heroku). So, this jar can be run with:
export PORT=8080 # the web server port to use
java -Dconfig=config/prod.edn -jar untangled_template.jar
The Procfile
gives the correct information to heroku, so if you've
configured the app (see Heroku docs) you should be able to deploy with
git push heroku master