Additional Work / Features:
- Actually connect to a live database
- Lots or fancy use of CSS
Minimum Specs Met:
- An index page
- Some use of CSS
- A node server
- If your de#cludes multiple pages, those need to exist (static is okay)
- dataReviews.html
- searchform.html
- Any use of client-side scripting
- Test functions for each feature.
- Graceful error handling
What is it: This is a web-app that will allow users to enter their own custom reviews for roads in the city of Portland. This will allow users to plan their routes to work, school or for a road trip which can help minimize ware and tear on their car by skipping bumpy roads.
Directory structure
- public/ - subfolders for JavaScript, CS and Images; also contains all HTML files
- tests/ - JavaScript for testing various functions
- routes/ - JavaScript for database searching and making requests based on user entry
Data Set:
- Clone Repo
npm install
npm start
- Go to "localhost" in your browser