This is a base graphics library intended for use with Fortran although largely written in C. It is based on the public domain VOGLE graphics library. It allows for creating vector-based graphics with a variety of output devices.
git clone
cd M_draw/src
# change Makefile if not using one of the listed compilers
# for gfortran
make clean
make F90=gfortran gfortran
# for ifort
make clean
make F90=ifort ifort
# for nvfortran
make clean
make F90=nvfortran nvfortran
This will compile the Fortran module and C code and basic example programs that exercise the routines.
Alternatively, download the github repository and build it with fpm ( as described at Fortran Package Manager )
git clone
cd M_draw
# specify directory to place Hershey font files in
export BUILD_DIR=$HOME/local/lib
mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR
# create font files
fpm run make_hershey
# set environment variables
export M_DRAW_FONTPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/hershey
export M_DRAW_DEVICE=X11
# run tests
fpm test # run unit tests
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
M_draw = { git = "" }
Note that M_draw.f90 is registered at the fpm(1) registry
Before running the example programs you must specify the location of the font definition files and a default output device. For example:
# assuming you are in M_draw/src ...
export M_DRAW_FONTPATH=`pwd`/hershey
#Specify a default output device and size
export M_DRAW_DEVICE='X11 640 480'
# run an example program
While you are there, you might want to generate a text version of the documentation as well:
# show all man-pages as text
env MANWIDTH=80 MANPATH=../man man --regex '.*' |col -b|tee man.txt
The *.o files can be combined into a library file and the library and module files can be placed in a convenient location for easier loading.
The hershey/ directory typically is placed in /usr/share/hershey or /usr/local/lib on GNU/Linux platforms. Just remember to set the environment variable M_DRAW_FONTPATH to the directory name.
The build assumes you have the X11 libraries, and does not include the PC driver often used with Cygwin.
It is relatively easy to remove a driver such as C-X11.c by going into C-drivers.c and changing a line like "#define X11" to "#undef X11" and removing C-X11.c from the Makefile. If anyone is interested about the CygWin/PC driver let me know; but it is relatively easy to install X11 Windows with CygWin and installing X11 Windows allows you to use many more CygWin utilities as well.
a simple index to the individual man-pages in HTML form
A single page that uses javascript to combine all the HTML descriptions of the man-pages is at BOOK_M_draw.
The overview is maintained manually and may be out of date but covers the core routines (which are very stable). The other documentation is auto-generated during a rebuild of this repository, and will automatically have the latest routines.
Literal man-pages for use on GNU/Linux, Unix and CygWin platforms:
There are no automated unit tests per-se. Running the example programs and demo programs ensures the library is functioning. Available programs include:
- confidence tests in the test/ directory use basic programs and are a good resource for new users.
- demo programs extracted from the man pages in the example/ directory
There are higher-level routines based on this library not yet available on github. Ultimately the hope is to release these as fpm packages as described at
This version is largely C code based originally on the public-domain Vogle graphics library but the intent is to convert it to a native Fortran library, which it is very amenable to.
There are a number of programs already using this low-level library
to generate higher-level graphics:
- CHANGELOG provides a history of significant changes