Github Code:
Download and install Meteocons truetype font(*.ttf):
Download and install BMFont.exe (Bitmap Font Generator):
First, Generate Bitmap font file(Meteocons_32.png) from Meteocons.ttf file using BMFont.exe
- Run BMFont.exe and open Menu Options/Load Configuration: Meteocons32/Configuration32.bmfc
- Open Menu Options/Save bitmap font as... and save to: Meteocons then, Meteocons_0.png generated.
- Rename Meteocons_0.png to Meteocons_32.png
Second, Convert bitmap images into the font formats required for my UTFT libraries for Arduino
- Open Web browser and connect to UTFT/Font Maker
- Select File: Meteocons32/Meteocons_32.png, Font Type: Full Font(95 characters) and click the button of 'Make File' then, download link generated.
- Download the link file and save to Meteocons_32.c
Third, Modify Meteocons_32.c
// Meteocons_32.c
// Font type : Full (95 characters)
// Font size : 32x40 pixels
// Memory usage : 15204 bytes
#if defined(__AVR__)
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#define fontdatatype const uint8_t
#elif defined(__PIC32MX__)
#define PROGMEM
#define fontdatatype const unsigned char
#elif defined(__arm__)
#define PROGMEM
#define fontdatatype const unsigned char
#elif defined(ESP8266)
#include <pgmspace.h>
#define fontdatatype const uint8_t
fontdatatype Meteocons_32[15204] PROGMEM={
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