Converts SVG files to drawio/ format
You can import svg into, but you can't change the fill color, stroke color or stroke width.
importing files converted with this tool will give you options to customize the svg colors in the style panel.
git clone
cd svg2dio
chmod +x svg2dio
usage: svg2dio [-h] [-f] [-t] [-w] [-s] [-o] [-d] filename
positional arguments:
filename input file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f , --fill-color Fill fall-back color default: D4D4D4
-t , --stroke-color Stroke fall-back color default: D4D4D4
-w , --stroke-width Stroke fall-bak width default: 5
-s , --size Object size default: 100x100
-o , --output-file Output file name
-d, --debug print resulting root svg (xml)
./svg2dio -s 200x200 -f 4A4A4A -w 3 file.svg -o myfile.dio