Website and admin interface for zakk (a cultural center in Bremen, GER)
Based on Ruby on Rails 5, Postgres, jQuery and Foundation 5
Rails 5.2 & Ruby 2.4, Rspec
Qt for the compiling of capybara-webkit
Set up configuration: Copy all *.example files in /config and change them as needed.
This application relies on a PostgreSQL database. Setup a database, check db/create_db.sql for some basic commands. Define database name and user at config/database.yml
Run migrations
$ bundle exec bin/rails db:migrate
Run seeds
$ bundle exec bin/rails db:seeds
$ bundle exec rspec spec
$ bundle exec bin/rails s
Encrypt config files for safe usage in Travis, without publishing it to Github
Before: Install Travis CLI with Ruby 2.4
$ gem install travis
Adding secret files to .travis.yml
$ tar cvf secrets.tar config/application.rb config/database.yml config/environment.rb config/secrets.yml config/settings.yml
$ travis encrypt-file secrets.tar --add
Designed and developed by Ulf Treger
Please file bugs to our Github Repository at
This project is licensed under a GNU General Public Licence v3