Angular wizard is component module which can be used to develop form wizard.
npm install angularts-wizard
Now import WizardModule in angular module of your application.
Uses: In template.
<wizard [color]="#ccc">
<step [title]="Step one">
<h2>Form will be here</h2>
<step [title]="Step Two">
<h2>Second part of Form will be here</h2>
[title] is optional. Default value is Step 1 Step 2 and so on.
You can set color of steps navigation bottom bar . Simply pass [color]="#ccc" -- color of your choice in wizard tag. see above template for example. default color is blue. For button style add global style of button.
New updates- Now component emit an event on finish. So if its last step then clicking on finish will emit method .. onFinish Write onFinish on wizard component and event in it -> (onFinish)="someMethod($event)"
<wizard [color]="#ccc" #wizu (onFinish)="someMethod($event)">
<step [title]="Step one">
<h2>Form will be here</h2>
<step [title]="Step Two">
<h2>Second part of Form will be here</h2>
You can call goTo function from your component ... by getting wizard as @viewChild and then writing this.wizard.goto(1) .. this will take a parameter as number to go to that step ..