Before the beginning of every semester you wish to be active, make sure you understand all of the deadlines for below items so you can complete them on time:
Register as a returning club, here's some info that will come in handy:
Attend the first Clubs Council meeting of the semester
- Find out how to reserve a table for clubs day (try to get one by an outlet)
- If you have a faculty member that can book a room for you before you are ratified, you have a better chance of booking (rooms in ECS book up very quickly)
- Bob Wright Building is a nice back-up plan (nicish projectors, lots of outlets, nicer building, etc)
Clubs and Course Union days are usually around the 2nd or 3rd week of the begginning of each semester.
- Find peeps to man the booth
- Prepare some swaggy posters to hang up
- You're rockin if you manage some tasty/fun table incentives (candy, stickers, etc)
- Facebook Group (post everything here much users)
- Facebook Page (post on group from page)
- Slack (great for organizing events and sharing memes)
- GitHub (where we post workshop materials)
- Twitter (the hype account)
- Instagram (just for show)
- ProductHunt (for cool things)
- (emails are still a thing)