MAST-ML is an open-source Python package designed to broaden and accelerate the use of machine learning in materials science research
Tutorial 5: Left out data, nested cross validation, and optimized models:
Tutorial 6: Model error analysis and uncertainty quantification:
Run random forest materials property models with predictions, calibrated error bars, and domain of applicability guidance:
University of Wisconsin-Madison Computational Materials Group:
- Prof. Dane Morgan
- Dr. Ryan Jacobs
- Dr. Lane Schultz
- Dr. Tam Mayeshiba
- Dr. Ben Afflerbach
- Dr. Henry Wu
University of Kentucky contributors:
- Luke Harold Miles
- Robert Max Williams
- Matthew Turner
- Prof. Raphael Finkel
- An overview of code documentation and tutorials for getting started with MAST-ML can be found here:
This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) SI2 award number 1148011
This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) DMREF award number DMR-1332851
This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) CSSI award number 1931298
If you find MAST-ML useful, please cite the following publication:
Jacobs, R., Mayeshiba, T., Afflerbach, B., Miles, L., Williams, M., Turner, M., Finkel, R., Morgan, D., "The Materials Simulation Toolkit for Machine Learning (MAST-ML): An automated open source toolkit to accelerate data- driven materials research", Computational Materials Science 175 (2020), 109544.
If you find the uncertainty quantification (error bar) approaches useful, please cite the following publication:
Palmer, G., Du, S., Politowicz, A., Emory, J. P., Yang, X., Gautam, A., Gupta, G., Li, Z., Jacobs, R., Morgan, D., "Calibration after bootstrap for accurate uncertainty quantification in regression models", npj Computational Materials 8 115 (2022).
If you find the domain of applicability approaches useful, please cite the following publication:
Schultz, L. E., Wang, Y., Jacobs, R., Morgan, D., "Determining Domain of Machine Learning Models using Kernel Density Estimates: Applications in Materials Property Prediction", arXiv (2024).
MAST-ML can be installed via pip:
pip install mastml
Clone from Github:
git clone
Integration of domain of applicability approach using kernel density estimates based on MADML package:
Refinement of tutorials, addition of new tutorial for domains of applicability
Updates to plotting routines for error bar analysis
Many small bug fixes and updates to conform to updated versions of package dependencies
Refinement of tutorials, addition of Tutorial 7, Colab links as badges added for easier use.
mastml_predictor module added to help streamline making predictions (with option to include error bars) on new test data.
Basic parallelization added, which is especially useful for speeding up nested CV runs with many inner splits.
EnsembleModel now handles ensembles of GPR and XGBoost models.
Numerous improvements to plotting, including new plots (QQ plot), better axis handling and error bars (RvE plot), plotting and stats separated per group if groups are specified.
Improvements to feature selection methods. EnsembleModelFeatureSelector includes dummy feature references, added SHAP-based selector
Added assessment of baseline tests like comparing metrics to predicting the data average or permuted data test
Many miscellaneous bug fixes.
MAST-ML no longer uses an input file. The core functionality and workflow of MAST-ML has been rewritten to be more conducive to use in a Jupyter notebook environment. This major change has made the code more modular and transparent, and we believe more intuitive and easier to use in a research setting. The last version of MAST-ML to have input file support was version 2.0.20 on PyPi.
Each component of MAST-ML can be run in a Jupyter notebook environment, either locally or through a cloud-based service like Google Colab. As a result, we have completely reworked our use-case tutorials and examples. All of these MAST-ML tutorials are in the form of Jupyter notebooks and can be found in the mastml/examples folder on Github.
An active part of improving MAST-ML is to provide an automated, quantitative analysis of model domain assessement and model prediction uncertainty quantification (UQ). Version 3.x of MAST-ML includes more detailed implementation of model UQ using new and established techniques.