This repository contains the supplement material for "Designing Animated Transitions to Convey Aggregate Operations"(paper), submitted to EuroVis 2019.
designs : Candidate staged elaborate animations for each aggregate operations.
pilot : Stimuli and experiment web page screenshots for the pilot study
- stimuli : Html file that loading experiment stimuli.
- experiment-ui : Screenshots of the user study interfaces.
main-exp : Analysis scripts, stimuli, and experiment web page screenshots for the main-exp study
- stimuli : Html file that loading experiment stimuli.
- experiment-ui : Screenshots of the user study interfaces.
- analysis
- rationales : Tagged rationales of Rank Task and description for top labels.
- Csv files for responses of Identification Task and Rank Task.
- R script for Bayesian models analysis of Identification Task responses
- R script for Friedman test and posthoc pairwise comparison Wilcoxon rank-sum tests of Rank Task responses
- Power analysis for Friedman test and posthoc pairwise comparison Wilcoxon rank-sum tests of Rank Task responses