This is a simple desktop based on Fvwm3. It includes a complex Fvwm3 configuration and several scripts for configuration and miscellaneous purposes.
External software needed by Ydesk:
- Bash and YAD - almost all scripts needs this
- Pyhton3 and pygobject - needed for menu generator and notification daemon
- curl - needed for mail and weather panel applets
- libsecret and secret-tool - used as a credential storage for mail applet
- stalonetray - used in system tra panel applet
- xxkb - used as keyboard indicator and switcher
- conky - used in sysinfo applet
- GraphicsMagick - used in screenshot applet
- jq - used for parsing weather forecast
- xdotool - for some window manipulations
- wpa_supplicant - used in wifi applet
- mate-icon-theme is strongly recommended
Ydesk uses patched version of Fvwm3. All required patches can be found in