bash <(curl
and follow the on-screen instructions. Once the installation succeeds, go to
- vendor (composer pulled dependencies)
- glued (the app)
- bootstrap.php (main file)
- dependencies.php (the DIC definition)
- middleware.php (registers all middleware)
- routes.php (registers all routes)
- settings.php (cofiguration of your glued instance)
- Classes/* (glued's classes)
- Controllers/* (glued's controllers)
- Middleware/* (glued's middleware except that wich is loaded via DIC/composer)
- Views/* (twig-based views)
- public (document root for app users)
- index.php (just includes glued/bootstrap.php)
- all public files (css, images, js, etc.)
- extras (nginx configuration and db dump)
- logs (make sure its writable by php)
Contributions welcomed, just fork Glued an make your first PR! Below a bunch of tips to help you start.
Currently Glued relies on
- bootstrap 4.3
- glued-modular-admin (a fork of
- jquery
- rjsf
git clone
cd modular-admin-html
npm install # pull in dependencies
npm audit fix # security fixes
npm run build # create the static build (content in /dist directory)
git clone
cd react-jsonschema-form
npm install
npm run dist
git clone
cd react-jsonschema-form-extras
npm install
npm run dist