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[klas3] empty commit - show results for clang10 (issue madgraph5#172
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…is invalid!)

The problem was that with clang11/12 I cannot use CUDA, hence I was
using common random numbers. With clang10 I get the usual results.

Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
Internal loops fptype_sv    = SCALAR ('none': ~vector[1], no SIMD)
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 1.216996e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     7.534132 sec
real    0m7.546s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4: 1326) (avx2:    0) (512y:    0) (512z:    0)
Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CUDA [nvcc 11.0.221]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 7.355185e+08                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     0.935344 sec
real    0m1.272s
==PROF== Profiling "sigmaKin": launch__registers_per_thread 120
Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
Internal loops fptype_sv    = VECTOR[2] ('sse4': SSE4.2, 128bit) [cxtype_ref=NO]
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 2.591017e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     4.842237 sec
real    0m4.854s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4: 3607) (avx2:    0) (512y:    0) (512z:    0)
Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
Internal loops fptype_sv    = VECTOR[4] ('avx2': AVX2, 256bit) [cxtype_ref=NO]
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 5.121843e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     3.654099 sec
real    0m3.666s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4:    0) (avx2: 3023) (512y:    0) (512z:    0)
Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
Internal loops fptype_sv    = VECTOR[4] ('512y': AVX512, 256bit) [cxtype_ref=NO]
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 5.101228e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     3.639943 sec
real    0m3.651s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4:    0) (avx2: 2735) (512y:    0) (512z:    0)
Process                     = EPOCH1_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
Internal loops fptype_sv    = VECTOR[8] ('512z': AVX512, 512bit) [cxtype_ref=NO]
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 3.731910e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     4.072267 sec
real    0m4.084s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4:    0) (avx2: 3524) (512y:    0) (512z: 1164)
Process                     = EPOCH2_EEMUMU_CPP [clang 10.0.0]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
OMP threads / `nproc --all` = 1 / 4
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 1.206297e+06                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     7.639024 sec
real    0m7.650s
=Symbols in CPPProcess.o= (~sse4: 1238) (avx2:    0) (512y:    0) (512z:    0)
Process                     = EPOCH2_EEMUMU_CUDA [nvcc 11.0.221]
FP precision                = DOUBLE (NaN/abnormal=0, zero=0)
EvtsPerSec[MatrixElems] (3) = ( 7.470097e+08                 )  sec^-1
MeanMatrixElemValue         = ( 1.371706e-02 +- 3.270315e-06 )  GeV^0
TOTAL       :     0.743197 sec
real    0m1.035s
==PROF== Profiling "sigmaKin": launch__registers_per_thread 164
  • Loading branch information
valassi committed Apr 27, 2021
1 parent 741ffc5 commit c56a655
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

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