AutoPrognosis - A system for automating the design of predictive modeling pipelines tailored for clinical prognosis.
- 🚀 Automatically learns ensembles of pipelines for classification, regression or survival analysis tasks.
- 🌀 Easy to extend pluginable architecture.
- 🔥 Interpretability and uncertainty quantification tools.
- 🩹 Data imputation using HyperImpute.
- ⚡ Build demonstrators using Streamlit.
- 📓 Python and R tutorials available.
- 📖 Read the docs
Note : The R bindings have been tested using R version 4.2 and Python 3.8.
The library can be installed from PyPI using
$ pip install autoprognosis
or from source, using
$ pip install .
AutoPrognosis can use Redis as a backend to improve the performance and quality of the searches.
For that, install the redis-server package following the steps described on the official site.
The library can be configured from a set of environment variables.
Variable | Description |
Number of cores to use for hyperparameter search. Default : 1 |
Number of cores to use by inidividual learners. Default: all cpus |
IP address for the Redis database. Default |
Redis port. Default: 6379 |
Example: export N_OPT_JOBS = 2
to use 2 cores for hyperparam search.
Advanced Python tutorials can be found in the Python tutorials section.
R examples can be found in the R tutorials section.
List the available classifiers
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.classifiers import Classifiers
Create a study for classifiers
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from autoprognosis.studies.classifiers import ClassifierStudy
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_estimator
X, Y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
df = X.copy()
df["target"] = Y
study_name = "example"
study = ClassifierStudy(
dataset=df, # pandas DataFrame
target="target", # the label column in the dataset
model =
# Predict the probabilities of each class using the model
(Advanced) Customize the study for classifiers
from pathlib import Path
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from autoprognosis.studies.classifiers import ClassifierStudy
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_estimator
X, Y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
df = X.copy()
df["target"] = Y
workspace = Path("workspace")
study_name = "example"
study = ClassifierStudy(
dataset=df, # pandas DataFrame
target="target", # the label column in the dataset
num_iter=100, # how many trials to do for each candidate
timeout=60, # seconds
classifiers=["logistic_regression", "lda", "qda"],
output = workspace / study_name / "model.p"
model = load_model_from_file(output)
# <model> contains the optimal architecture, but the model is not trained yet. You need to call fit() to use it.
# This way, we can further benchmark the selected model on the training set.
metrics = evaluate_estimator(model, X, Y)
print(f"model {} -> {metrics['str']}")
# Train the model, Y)
# Predict the probabilities of each class using the model
List the available regressors
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.regression import Regression
Create a Regression study
# third party
import pandas as pd
# autoprognosis absolute
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_regression
from autoprognosis.studies.regression import RegressionStudy
# Load dataset
df = pd.read_csv(
last_col = df.columns[-1]
y = df[last_col]
X = df.drop(columns=[last_col])
df = X.copy()
df["target"] = y
# Search the model
study = RegressionStudy(
dataset=df, # pandas DataFrame
target="target", # the label column in the dataset
model =
# Predict using the model
Advanced Customize the Regression study
# stdlib
from pathlib import Path
# third party
import pandas as pd
# autoprognosis absolute
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_regression
from autoprognosis.studies.regression import RegressionStudy
# Load dataset
df = pd.read_csv(
last_col = df.columns[-1]
y = df[last_col]
X = df.drop(columns=[last_col])
df = X.copy()
df["target"] = y
# Search the model
workspace = Path("workspace")
workspace.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
study = RegressionStudy(
dataset=df, # pandas DataFrame
target="target", # the label column in the dataset
num_iter=10, # how many trials to do for each candidate. Default: 50
num_study_iter=2, # how many outer iterations to do. Default: 5
timeout=50, # timeout for optimization for each classfier. Default: 600 seconds
regressors=["linear_regression", "xgboost_regressor"],
# Test the model
output = workspace / study_name / "model.p"
model = load_model_from_file(output)
# <model> contains the optimal architecture, but the model is not trained yet. You need to call fit() to use it.
# This way, we can further benchmark the selected model on the training set.
metrics = evaluate_regression(model, X, y)
print(f"Model {} score: {metrics['str']}")
# Train the model, y)
# Predict using the model
List available survival analysis estimators
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.risk_estimation import RiskEstimation
Create a Survival analysis study
# third party
import numpy as np
from pycox import datasets
# autoprognosis absolute
from autoprognosis.studies.risk_estimation import RiskEstimationStudy
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_survival_estimator
df = datasets.gbsg.read_df()
df = df[df["duration"] > 0]
X = df.drop(columns = ["duration"])
T = df["duration"]
Y = df["event"]
eval_time_horizons = np.linspace(T.min(), T.max(), 5)[1:-1]
study_name = "example_risks"
study = RiskEstimationStudy(
model =
# Predict using the model
model.predict(X, eval_time_horizons)
Advanced Customize the Survival analysis study
# stdlib
import os
from pathlib import Path
# third party
import numpy as np
from pycox import datasets
# autoprognosis absolute
from autoprognosis.studies.risk_estimation import RiskEstimationStudy
from autoprognosis.utils.serialization import load_model_from_file
from autoprognosis.utils.tester import evaluate_survival_estimator
df = datasets.gbsg.read_df()
df = df[df["duration"] > 0]
X = df.drop(columns = ["duration"])
T = df["duration"]
Y = df["event"]
eval_time_horizons = np.linspace(T.min(), T.max(), 5)[1:-1]
workspace = Path("workspace")
study_name = "example_risks"
study = RiskEstimationStudy(
risk_estimators=["cox_ph", "survival_xgboost"],
output = workspace / study_name / "model.p"
model = load_model_from_file(output)
# <model> contains the optimal architecture, but the model is not trained yet. You need to call fit() to use it.
# This way, we can further benchmark the selected model on the training set.
metrics = evaluate_survival_estimator(model, X, T, Y, eval_time_horizons)
print(f"Model {} score: {metrics['str']}")
# Train the model, T, Y)
# Predict using the model
model.predict(X, eval_time_horizons)
Classification tasks
Classification tasks with imputation
Survival analysis tasks
Survival analysis tasks with imputation
Regression tasks
Classifiers with explainers
Multiple imputation example
00. Run a classification study
01. Run a regression study
02. Run a survival analysis study
03. Run a study and interpret the model
04. What’s a plugin? Survival analysis example
05. Pipelines
06. [Advanced] Creating your own plugin: preprocessing example
from autoprognosis.plugins.imputers import Imputers
imputer = Imputers().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
hyperimpute | Iterative imputer using both regression and classification methods based on linear models, trees, XGBoost, CatBoost and neural nets |
mean | Replace the missing values using the mean along each column with SimpleImputer |
median | Replace the missing values using the median along each column with SimpleImputer |
most_frequent | Replace the missing values using the most frequent value along each column with SimpleImputer |
missforest | Iterative imputation method based on Random Forests using IterativeImputer and ExtraTreesRegressor |
ice | Iterative imputation method based on regularized linear regression using IterativeImputer and BayesianRidge |
mice | Multiple imputations based on ICE using IterativeImputer and BayesianRidge |
softimpute | Low-rank matrix approximation via nuclear-norm regularization |
EM | Iterative procedure which uses other variables to impute a value (Expectation), then checks whether that is the value most likely (Maximization) - EM imputation algorithm |
gain | GAIN: Missing Data Imputation using Generative Adversarial Nets |
from autoprognosis.plugins.preprocessors import Preprocessors
preprocessor = Preprocessors().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
maxabs_scaler | Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value. MaxAbsScaler |
scaler | Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. - StandardScaler |
feature_normalizer | Normalize samples individually to unit norm. Normalizer |
normal_transform | Transform features using quantiles information.QuantileTransformer |
uniform_transform | Transform features using quantiles information.QuantileTransformer |
minmax_scaler | Transform features by scaling each feature to a given range.MinMaxScaler |
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.classifiers import Classifiers
classifier = Classifiers().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
neural_nets | PyTorch based neural net classifier. |
logistic_regression | LogisticRegression |
catboost | Gradient boosting on decision trees - CatBoost |
random_forest | A random forest classifier. RandomForestClassifier |
tabnet | TabNet : Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning |
xgboost | XGBoostClassifier |
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.risk_estimation import RiskEstimation
predictor = RiskEstimation().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
survival_xgboost | XGBoost Survival Embeddings |
loglogistic_aft | Log-Logistic AFT model |
deephit | DeepHit: A Deep Learning Approach to Survival Analysis with Competing Risks |
cox_ph | Cox’s proportional hazard model |
weibull_aft | Weibull AFT model. |
lognormal_aft | Log-Normal AFT model |
coxnet | CoxNet is a Cox proportional hazards model also referred to as DeepSurv |
from autoprognosis.plugins.prediction.regression import Regression
regressor = Regression().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
tabnet_regressor | TabNet : Attentive Interpretable Tabular Learning |
catboost_regressor | Gradient boosting on decision trees - CatBoost |
random_forest_regressor | RandomForestRegressor |
xgboost_regressor | XGBoostClassifier |
neural_nets_regression | PyTorch-based neural net regressor. |
linear_regression | LinearRegression |
from autoprognosis.plugins.explainers import Explainers
explainer = Explainers().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
risk_effect_size | Feature importance using Cohen's distance between probabilities |
lime | Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier |
symbolic_pursuit | [Symbolic Pursuit ](Learning outside the black-box: at the pursuit of interpretable models) |
shap_permutation_sampler | SHAP Permutation Sampler |
kernel_shap | SHAP KernelExplainer |
invase | INVASE: Instance-wise Variable Selection |
from autoprognosis.plugins.uncertainty import UncertaintyQuantification
model = UncertaintyQuantification().get(<NAME>)
Name | Description |
cohort_explainer | |
conformal_prediction | |
jackknife |
After installing the library, the tests can be executed using pytest
$ pip install .[dev]
$ pytest -vxs -m "not slow"
If you use this code, please cite the associated paper:
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.12090},
url = {},
author = {Imrie, Fergus and Cebere, Bogdan and McKinney, Eoin F. and van der Schaar, Mihaela},
keywords = {Machine Learning (cs.LG), Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
title = {AutoPrognosis 2.0: Democratizing Diagnostic and Prognostic Modeling in Healthcare with Automated Machine Learning},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2022},
copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}
- AutoPrognosis: Automated Clinical Prognostic Modeling via Bayesian Optimization with Structured Kernel Learning
- Prognostication and Risk Factors for Cystic Fibrosis via Automated Machine Learning
- Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction using Automated Machine Learning: A Prospective Study of 423,604 UK Biobank Participants