This is the R / Shiny app code for the U2 Tour Map Shiny app that is deployed at:
Note: the Shiny app needs a data file that has not been committed to Github as that data belongs to I had permission to use the data for my Google Data Analytics Capstone Project. The data file used by the Shiny app and the columns in the file are described below.
$ head u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv "showID","tour","leg","date","venue","city","state","country","song_position","snippet","encore","song_title","show_url","song_url","song_lyrics"
u2data <- read_csv("u2data_all_shows_clean_final.csv")
Rows: 39653 Columns: 15
Column specification
Delimiter: ","
chr (10): tour, leg, venue, city, state, country, song_title, show_url, song_url, song_lyrics
dbl (2): showID, song_position
lgl (2): snippet, encore
date (1): date