Repository for storing and documenting micro-tasks of GrimoireLab Project for GSoC 2020 under CHAOSS.
I would like to submit the proposal for the idea, GSoC Idea: Creating Quality models using GrimoireLab and CHAOSS metrics (#287) of the GrimoireLab Project. The link to the proposal is GSoC 20 Proposal CHAOSS - Venu.
Set up Perceval to be executed from PyCharm.
You can find the detailed steps here. You can check the demo too, if you have any doubt. 🙂
Create a Python script to execute Perceval via its Python interface using the GitLab and GitHub backends. Feel free to select any target repository.
You can find the notebook for the code here.
Based on the JSON documents produced by Perceval and its source code, try to answer the following questions:
What is the meaning of the JSON attribute 'timestamp', 'updated_on', 'origin', 'category', 'uuid', 'search_fields'?
How many categories do the GitHub and GitLab backends have?
What is stored in the attribute
of each JSON document produced by Perceval?
Answers to the above questions can be found here.
Set up a dev environment to work on GrimoireLab. Have a look to
You can find the detailed explanation of how to setup GrimoireLab from here.
Execute micro-mordred to collect, enrich and visualize data from Git and GitHub repositories.
You can find the detailed procudure for executing micro-mordred from here.
Using the dev tools in Kibiter, create a query that counts the number of unique authors on a Git repository from 2018-01-01 until 2019-01-01.
You can find the query and the explanation here.
Install and use elasticdump to download the mapping and data of an ElasticSearch index.
The procedure and explanation can be found here
Set up Prosoul to be executed from PyCharm.
The link to the YouTube video is Setting up Prosoul with PyCharm. 🚀
You can find the steps here.
Create your first Quality Model with Prosoul. Optionally, try perform an assessment with the data at (it contains a dump of an index and its mapping) to be imported in your local instance of ElasticSearch.
The detailed procedure with results can be found here.
Submit at least a PR to one of the GrimoireLab repositories to fix an issue, improve the documentation, etc.
You can find the whole list here.
- My name is Venu Vardhan Reddy Tekula. I am a final year undergraduate stduent pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, India. I was born and brought up in Hyderabad, India.
- I have good experience with Python. I worked with Python for almost three years now. Few of my projects include amfoss/GitLit and snitch3s/hackbunch.
- I am a member of FOSS@Amrita, open source club in our campus.
- My area of interests are Data Analytics, Cyber Security and Machine Learning.
- I have been contributing to CHAOSS for almost an year. I tried for GSoC 2019 too and this repo has the micro-tasks for last year, vchrombie/chaoss-microtasks-19.
- My last semester will also be completed by May 2020. I can spend 40+ hours a week for the GSoC project, if I get selected. Also, I don't have any commitments other than GSoC.