Sorts tailwind CSS classes in a way similar to prettier-plugin-tailwindcss.
Use prettier-plugin-tailwindcss if prettier is available for your programming language. This extension was made because we did not.
Work is based on and hacked together for our specific usage.
Sorts tailwind css classes in recommended order
It runs automatically on save for languages with configured regexes.
- tailwindcss@3 installed in node_modules of your project
- tailwind.config.js present in the workspace root
Example settings to enable this extension for rescript:
"tailwind-class-sorter.classRegex": {
"rescript": [
Have no option to disable autosave.
Will not work in multi-root or monorepo workspaces.
Does not watch for changes in tailwind.config.js, you have to reload vscode window to refresh.
Initial release