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A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC). Works in Browser, Node and as CLI.


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TSE Client

A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC).
Works in Browser, Node, and as CLI.
The 0.x and 1.x versions were a direct port of the official Windows app.



npm install tse-client -g


tse ذوب
tse ذوب فولاد خساپا شپنا
tse "شاخص کل6"
tse "شاخص کل فرابورس6" "شاخص کل (هم وزن)6"

Adjust prices:

tse آپ -j 1 # افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی
tse آپ -j 2 # افزایش سرمایه

Select columns:

tse فملی -c "6,7,8,10"
tse فملی -c "6:OPEN 7:HIGH 8:LOW 10:CLOSE"
tse فملی -c "4:date 10:close 13:count 12:volume"
tse ls -A
tse ls -D
# defaults: "4:DATE 6:OPEN 7:HIGH 8:LOW 9:LAST 10:CLOSE 12:VOL"

History depth:

tse ذوب -b 3m       # سه ماه گذشته (پیشفرض)
tse ذوب -b 40d      # چهل روز گذشته
tse ذوب -b 2y       # دو سال گذشته
tse ذوب -b 13920101 # تاریخ شمسی
tse ذوب -b 13800101 # کمترین تاریخ ممکن

File generation:

tse کگل -o /mydir # output directory
tse کگل -n 3      # file name
tse کگل -x txt    # file extension
tse کگل -e ascii  # file encoding
tse کگل -l @      # file delimiter char
tse کگل -H        # file without headers

Select symbols from file:

tse ls -F "i=34" > car.txt
tse ls -F "i=27" > iron.txt
tse -i car.txt -o ./car-group
tse -i iron.txt -o ./iron-group

Select symbols by filter:

# tse -f "t= نوع نماد i= گروه صنعت m= نوع بازار"
tse -f "i=27"                 # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی
tse -f "i=27 t=300"           # گروه صنعت: فلزات اساسی & نوع نماد: سهم بورس
tse -f "m=4 i=27,53,38 t=404" # نوع بازار: پایه & گروه صنعت: فلزات و سیمان و قند & نوع نماد: حق تقدم

tse ls -T
tse ls -I
tse ls -M

tse ls -F "i=27 t=300" # گروه فلزات بازار بورس
tse ls -F "i=27 t=303" # گروه فلزات بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=27 t=309" # گروه فلزات بازار پایه

tse ls -F "i=34 t=300" # گروه خودرو بازار بورس
tse ls -F "i=34 t=303" # گروه خودرو بازار فرابورس
tse ls -F "i=34 t=309" # گروه خودرو بازار پایه

tse ls -F "t=68"       # شاخص های بازار بورس
tse ls -F "t=69"       # شاخص های بازار فرابورس

Save settings:

tse ذوب فولاد -o ./mytse --save
tse -x txt
tse -n 3 --save
tse -o ./myother --save

View saved settings and more:

tse ls -S
tse ls -D
tse ls -F "i=34"
tse ls -F "i=27 t=300"
tse ls -M -T -I
tse ls -T -O 1  # order by count (descending)
tse ls -T -O 1_ # order by count (ascending)
tse ls -h



npm install tse-client


const tse = require('tse');

(async () => {
  // basic
  let { error, data } = await tse.getPrices(['ذوب', 'فولاد']);
  if (!error) console.log(data);
  // adjusted data
  let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['خساپا'], {adjustPrices: 1});
  // select columns (default names)
  let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [4,7,8]});
  // select columns (custom names)
  let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [[4,'DATE'],[7,'MAX'],[8,'MIN']]});
  // view column info
  // list of instruments
  let instruments = await tse.getInstruments();
    instruments.filter(i => i.YVal === '300' && i.CSecVal === '27') // گروه فلزات بازار بورس


Using standalone bundle:

(bundled with the 4 dependencies)

<script src=""></script>
  (async () => {

    // basic
    let { error, data } = await tse.getPrices(['ذوب', 'فولاد']);
    if (!error) console.log(data);
    // adjusted data
    let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['خساپا'], {adjustPrices: 1});
    // select columns (default names)
    let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [4,7,8]});
    // select columns (custom names)
    let { data } = await tse.getPrices(['شپنا'], {columns: [[4,'DATE'],[7,'MAX'],[8,'MIN']]});
    // view column info
    // list of instruments
    let instruments = await tse.getInstruments();
      instruments.filter(i => i.YVal === '300' && i.CSecVal === '27') // گروه فلزات بازار بورس

Using the module itself:

(dependencies must be loaded before)

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
  tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(({data}) => console.log(data[0]));

Using behind a simple PHP proxy:

// proxy.php
$t  = isset($_GET['t'])  ? $_GET['t']  : '';
$a  = isset($_GET['a'])  ? $_GET['a']  : '';
$a2 = isset($_GET['a2']) ? $_GET['a2'] : '';

echo file_get_contents("$t&a=$a&a2=$a2");
tse.API_URL = 'http://path/to/proxy.php';
tse.getPrices(['فولاد']).then(({data}) => console.log(data[0]));

Some Info:

file desc
dist/tse.js Unminified code.
dist/tse.min.js Minified code.
dist/tse.bundle.min.js Minified dependencies + minified code.
dependency desc
big.js Required. For price adjustment calculations.
localforage Required. For storing in indexedDB.
jalaali-js Optional. Only needed for ShamsiDate column. (Recommanded to not exclude this, though you can)
pako Optional. For compression of stored data. (Highly recommanded, total data: 300 MB, compressed: 30 MB)



The API URL to use for HTTP requests.
Only string and valid URL.


Update data only if these many days have passed since the last update.
Only integers.
Default: 1


Amount of instruments per request.
Only integers.
Min: 1
Max: 60
Default: 10 in Browser. 50 in Node.


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before requesting another chunk of instruments.
Default: 500 in Browser. 3000 in Node.


Amount of retry attempts before giving up.
Only integers.
Default: 3


Amount of delay (in ms) to wait before making another retry.
Only integers.
Default: 5000


Only in Node.
Location of the cache directory.
If the location is changed, existing content is not moved to the new location.
Default:   User's home directoy:require('os').homedir()

tse.getInstruments(struct: boolean, arr: boolean, structKey: string)

Update (if needed) and return list of instruments.

  • struct: Determine the return type for each instrument. Default true
    • true: return an Instrument object for each instrument.
    • false: return a CSV string for each instrument.
  • arr: Determine the return type. Default: true
    • true: return an array.
    • false return an Instruments object.
  • structKey: Which key of Instrument to use when struct is set to true. Default InsCode

return: Array<Instrument | string> | Instruments

Visit the official documentation for description of each Instrument field.

interface Instrument {
//                         👇 C# equivalent
  InsCode:      string; // long (int64)
  InstrumentID: string;
  LatinSymbol:  string;
  LatinName:    string;
  CompanyCode:  string;
  Symbol:       string;
  Name:         string;
  CIsin:        string;
  DEven:        string; // int (int32)
  Flow:         string; // byte
  LSoc30:       string;
  CGdSVal:      string;
  CGrValCot:    string;
  YMarNSC:      string;
  CComVal:      string;
  CSecVal:      string;
  CSoSecVal:    string;
  YVal:         string;

interface Instruments {
  [Instrument.InsCode]: Instrument | string;

tse.getPrices(symbols: string[], settings?: PriceSettings)

Update (if needed) and return prices of instruments.

  • symbols: An array of Farsi instrument symbols.
  • settings: A settings object.
    • columns: Select which ClosingPrice props to return and specify optional string for the prop.
      Default: [ [4,'date'], [6,'open'], [7,'high'], [8,'low'], [9,'last'], [10,'close'], [12,'vol'] ]
    • adjustPrices: The type of adjustment applied to returned prices.
      0: None             (بدون تعدیل)
      1: Capital Increase + Dividends   (افزایش سرمایه + سود نقدی)
      2: Capital Increase        (افزایش سرمایه)
    • startDate: Only return prices after this date. Min: '20010321'. Default '20010321'
    • daysWithoutTrade: Whether to include days that have 0 trades.

return: Result

interface Result {
  data:   Array<ClosingPrice>;
  error?: CustomError;

interface ClosingPrice {
//                              👇 C# equivalent of array item
  CompanyCode:    string[];  // string
  LatinName:      string[];  // string
  Symbol:         string[];  // string
  Name:           string[];  // string
  Date:           number[];  // int     (int32)
  ShamsiDate:     number[];  // int     (int32)
  PriceFirst:     number[];  // decimal (float128)
  PriceMax:       number[];  // decimal (float128)
  PriceMin:       number[];  // decimal (float128)
  LastPrice:      number[];  // decimal (float128)
  ClosingPrice:   number[];  // decimal (float128)
  Price:          number[];  // decimal (float128)
  Volume:         number[];  // decimal (float128)
  Count:          number[];  // decimal (float128)
  PriceYesterday: number[];  // decimal (float128)

interface PriceSettings {               
  columns?:          Array<[number, string?]>;
  adjustPrices?:     AdjustOption;
  daysWithoutTrade?: boolean;
  startDate?:        string;

interface CustomError {
  code:     ErrorType;
  title:    string;
  detail?:  string | Error;
  symbols?: string[];
  fails?:   string[];
  succs?:   string[];

enum AdjustOption {
  None = 0,
  CapitalIncreasePlusDividends = 1,
  CapitalIncrease = 2

enum ErrorType {
  FailedRequest = 1,
  IncorrectSymbol = 2,
  IncompletePriceUpdate = 3


const defaultSettings = {
  columns: [
    [4, 'date'],
    [6, 'open'],
    [7, 'high'],
    [8, 'low'],
    [9, 'last'],
    [10, 'close'],
    [12, 'vol']
  adjustPrices: 0,
  daysWithoutTrade: false,
  startDate: '20010321'

const result = await tse.getPrices(symbols=['sym1', 'sym2', ...], defaultSettings); /*
    // sym1
      open:  [0, 0, ...],
      high:  [0, 0, ...],
      low:   [0, 0, ...],
      last:  [0, 0, ...]
      close: [0, 0, ...],
      vol:   [0, 0, ...]

    // sym2
      open: [],
      high: [],


result.error // possible values:


{ code: 1, title: 'Failed request...',       detail: '' | Error }

{ code: 2, title: 'Incorrect Symbol',        symbols: [] }

{ code: 3, title: 'Incomplete Price Update', fails: [], succs: [] }


A list of all possible columns.

index name fname
0 CompanyCode کد شرکت
1 LatinName نام لاتین
2 Symbol نماد
3 Name نام
4 Date تاریخ میلادی
5 ShamsiDate تاریخ شمسی
6 PriceFirst اولین قیمت
7 PriceMax بیشترین قیمت
8 PriceMin کمترین قیمت
9 LastPrice آخرین قیمت
10 ClosingPrice قیمت پایانی
11 Price ارزش
12 Volume حجم
13 Count تعداد معاملات
14 PriceYesterday قیمت دیروز

Some Notes

  • Instrument.Symbol characters are cleaned from zero-width characters, ك and ي.
  • The price adjustment algorithm is still a direct port of the official Windows app.
  • In Browser, the InstrumentAndShare data is stored in localStorage.
  • In Browser, the ClosingPrices data is stored in indexedDB.
  • In Node, data compression is done with the zlib module.


A client for fetching stock data from the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSETMC). Works in Browser, Node and as CLI.







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