Command-line interface for the Kodi JSON-RPC
Make your Kodi/XBMC do things from the commandline.
List all available JSON-RPC commands on the Kodi host with list
$ kodictl list
Addons.ExecuteAddon : Executes the given addon with the given parameters (if possible)
Addons.GetAddonDetails : Gets the details of a specific addon
Addons.GetAddons : Gets all available addons
Addons.SetAddonEnabled : Enables/Disables a specific addon
Application.GetProperties : Retrieves the values of the given properties
Application.Quit : Quit application
Application.SetMute : Toggle mute/unmute
Application.SetVolume : Set the current volume
AudioLibrary.Clean : Cleans the audio library from non-existent items
AudioLibrary.Export : Exports all items from the audio library
Specify host with -r
, defaults to http://localhost:8080/jsonrpc
$ kodictl -r http://localhost:8080/jsonrpc" list
Some built-in shortcuts:
- Player.GoTo next in playlist for all active players
$ kodictl next
- Player.GoTo previous in playlist for all active players
$ kodictl previous
- Player.PlayPause for all active players
$ kodictl playpause
- Player.Stop for all active players
$ kodictl stop
- Player.GetItem for all active players
$ kodictl nowplaying
- Start music partymode playlist (shuffle)
$ kodictl shuffle
- List all available shortcuts
$ kodictl help
- Mute/Unmute
$ kodictl mute
- Increase/Decrease volume by 10 points
$ kodictl volumeup
$ kodictl volumedown
- Send a GUI Notification
$ kodictl notify title "The message to display"
git clone && cd kodictl
Install the pkg
raco pkg install
You can run the program like
racket main.rkt --help
Or build a binary and run that. For global execution put that somewhere in your path.
raco exe -o kodictl.bin main.rkt