At Veridu we rely heavily on Open Source projects and we do our best to give back to those projects as much as possible.
- #14115 PostgresProcessor:processInsertGetId | array cast fails to get Id when PDO fetch mode is set to PDO::FETCH_CLASS
- #14716 Fixes undefined index "aggregate" when you try to use paginator with fetchMode set to Entity
- #448 Proper API Version handling for FB's URLs
- #447 New Spotify Scopes
- #213 Added missing Facebook user_friends scope
- #172 Added missing Google Scopes
- #116 Strict comparison for strings and changed init.example.php to old array syntax
- #91 Dropbox service fix and Amazon/Dropbox/PayPal examples
- #62 Minor fixes to Amazon and Paypal services
- #61 New services (Amazon, Paypal and Dropbox) and OAuth version constant