MailHops is an email route API. It does a few things:
- Returns a route an email took based on the Received header IP addresses
- Returns a map an email took based on the Received header IP addresses
- Shows the weather of the sender when you provide a DarkSky API key
- Performs DNSBL check on messages
- Displays realtime traffic to the API
- Post metrics to Cachethq Status page
The route will contain DNSBL lookup results, hostname lookup results, what3words geo locations and the current weather of the senders location.
- From Docker:
- From Ansible:
# Install the MaxMind GeoIP file
# Get composer
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
# Get pear libs
curl -O
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar
sudo pear install Net_DNSBL
#Run npm install
npm install
bower install
# on MaxOSX if you want mongo
brew install mongodb
brew install php70
brew install php70-mongodb
# Import default collections
mongorestore -h [host:port] -d mailhops -u [user] -p [pass] mongo/mailhops/
# Add to your php.ini
echo "" >> /etc/php.ini
cd v1
composer install
cd v2
composer install
# Move and edit the config.json, set mongodb connection string
mv config.sample.json config.json
# on MaxOSX may need to restart apache
sudo apachectl restart
# Start the webserver
php -S -t .
Run the setup and watch traffic
If you get permission denied on AWS EC2 you may need to run,
sudo /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
phpunit --bootstrap v1/vendor/autoload.php tests/MailHopsTest
phpunit --bootstrap v2/vendor/autoload.php tests/MailHopsTest