Jemcache is a java implementation of a Memcached server. It's primary purpose is for embedding in unit tests. The performance actually is quite good, however, it does not scale as well as the c version of Memcached.
All of the APIs are implemented as defined in the protocol documentation except for UDP and timed deletes. The near-term roadmap is to implement the missing features in the following order: timed deletes, UDP.
###Standalone server
java -jar jemcache.jar [port [memory-in-mb]]
###Nio implementation
java -classpath jemcache.jar org.jemcache.server.JemcacheNioServer [port [memory-in-mb [num-threads]]]
JemcacheServer jemcacheServer = new JemcacheServer(port, memoryLimitBytes);
JemcacheNioServer jemcacheNioServer = new JemcacheNioServer(port, memoryLimitBytes, numThreads);