Parses CVE files from and fills out package_urls for use by the victims process.
This is a short guide on how to work with this codebase
- python 3.x
- virtualenv
- pip
Create a virtualenv using:
virtualenv dbuild
You should see the following output, and a new folder 'dbbuild' should be created.
New python executable in dbbuild/bin/python3.5
Also creating executable in dbbuild/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
Activate the previously created environment using:
source dbuild/bin/activate
Once this is complete, you should see the name prepended to the command prompt eg: '(dbbuild)'
Install dependencies using 'pip':
pip install -r requirements.txt
Add package_urls to a single entry:
python victims_db_builder/ ../tests/data/7501.yaml
Install test dependencies using pip
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
Use 'nose' to execute the test suite, found in the 'tests' directory using:
Output will look like this for a successful run of the tests:
Ran 12 tests in 16.545s
Using distutil to create a '.tar' source distribution of the project:
python sdist
After running this, you should have a '.tar' file in 'dist/'